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Yeoman generator for front-end developers
You'll need yo
- the scaffolding tool from Yeoman
- installed:
npm install -g yo
Install generator-frigate
npm install -g generator-frigate
Make a new directory, and cd
into it:
mkdir my-new-project && cd $_
yo frigate
Run npm start
for asset watching/compiling with BrowserSync and hot reloading support and make all
for a production-ready build.
To run tests, use npm test
Docs are generated using Sphinx.
pip install Sphinx
cd <project_root>/docs && make html
You can then open file:///
Alternative: run the following then browse to http://localhost:8000.
cd docs/_build_html && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 &
If you'd like to add to or change Frigate's functionality, the following approach is recommended. First, install the Frigate source and then install it as a linked package::
git clone https://github.com/lincolnloop/generator-frigate.git
cd generator-frigate
npm link
Next, you'll want a test project for running Gulp tasks and testing your changes::
cd .. && mkdir test-frigate && cd test-frigate
yo frigate
After you make changes in the generator-frigate source, re-run yo frigate
in the test project and the project's state will be updated to match the current state of the Frigate code