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Codes of paper: Comparative Genomics Reveals Recent Adaptive Evolution in Himalayan Giant Honeybee Apis laboriosa
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Lin D, Lan L, Zheng T, et al. Comparative genomics reveals recent adaptive evolution in Himalayan giant honeybee Apis laboriosa[J]. Genome biology and evolution, 2021, 13(10): evab227.

The paper could be found here

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Quality control

# We ran the QC using this script: all -p -f 1.rd.fq -r 2.rd.fq -o clean.rd.fq

Genome assembly

# Run SOAPdenovo2
./SOAPdenovo2 all -s config_file

The config_file was set as follows:

# maximal read length 
# average insert size 
# if sequence needs to be reversed
# in which part(s) the reads are used. It takes value 1(only contig assembly), 2 (only scaffold assembly), 3(both contig and scaffold assembly), or 4 (only gap closure).
# cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection (default 3) 
# minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location (default 32) 
# fastq file for read 1 
# fastq file for read 2

Completeness estimation

python -i Apis_laboriosa.fasta -l metazoa_odb9 -m genome -o laboriosa_BUSCO
python -i Apis_dorsata.fasta -l metazoa_odb9 -m genome -o dorsata_BUSCO

Repeats estimation

We used RepeatMasker with the search engines of RMBlast, library of Repbase and other default parameters to screen Apis laboriosa and Apis dorsata genomes for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences.

RepeatMasker -parallel 20 -species honeybee -gff -dir laboriosa_repeatmasker Apis_laboriosa.fasta
RepeatMasker -parallel 20 -species honeybee -gff -dir dorsata_repeatmasker Apis_dorsata.fasta

Gene prediction

# Run Augustus to perform ab initio gene prediction 
augustus --species=honeybee --genemodel=partial --strand=both --singlestrand=false --codingseq=on --outfile=laboriosa_augustus --gff3=on --alternatives-from-evidence=true --UTR=on

# Run Exonerate to perform homology-based gene prediction 
exonerate --model protein2genome --showtargetgff --showquerygff --percent 40 --bestn 1 homo_protein Apis_laboriosa.fasta >  Apis_laboriosa.fasta_homo_protein_out

# Combine results from Augustus and Exonerate using EVidenceModeler v1.1.1 
## Partition the inputs
perl --genome Apis_laboriosa.fasta --gene_predictions gene_predictions.gff3 --protein_alignments protein_alignments.gff3 --segmentSize 100000 --overlapSize 10000 --partition_listing partitions_list.out
## Generate the EVM command set
perl --genome Apis_laboriosa.fasta --weights weight.txt --gene_predictions gene_predictions.gff3 --protein_alignments protein_alignments.gff3 --output_file_name evm.out  --partitions partitions_list.out >  commands.list
## Run the commands
perl commands.list | tee run.log
## Combine the partitions
perl  --partitions partitions_list.out --output_file_name evm.out
## Convert to gff3 format
perl --partitions partitions_list.out --output evm.out --genome Apis_laboriosa.fasta
## Combine these gff3 files into a single output
find . -regex ".*evm.out.gff3" -exec cat {} \; > Apis_laboriosa.gff3

# Extract CDSs
gffread Apis_laboriosa.gff3 -g Apis_laboriosa.fasta -x Apis_laboriosa_cds.fasta

# Translate CDSs into proteins
transeq Apis_laboriosa_cds.fasta Apis_laboriosa_pro.fasta

The weight.txt for EVidenceModeler was set as follows:

ABINITIO_PREDICTION     Augustus        8
PROTEIN exonerate       10

GO term annotation -i Apis_laboriosa_pro.fasta -appl Pfam -f GFF3 -goterms -cpu 50 -iprlookup –pa

Gene family construction

# Run OrthoMCL to construct gene families
## Install the required schema
orthomclInstallSchema orthomcl.config install_tables.log
## Generate protein fasta files in the required format
orthomclAdjustFasta Apis_laboriosa Apis_laboriosa_pro.fasta 1
## Filter away poor quality proteins
orthomclFilterFasta pro.out 10 20 
## Run Blastp for the good protein fasta file
makeblastdb -in goodProteins.fasta -dbtype prot -out orthomcl
blastp -query goodProteins.fa -out blastp.out -db orthomcl -evalue 1e-5 -num_threads 50
## Create a file of similarities in the required format
orthomclBlastParser blastp.out pro.out >> similarSequences.txt
## Load the output of orthomclBlastParser
orthomclLoadBlast orthomcl.config ilarSequences.txt
## Compute pairwise relationships
orthomclPairs orthomcl.config orthomcl_pairs.log cleanup=no
## Dump the pairs/ directory from the database
orthomclDumpPairsFiles orthomcl.config
## Convert mcl output to groups.txt
mcl mclInput --abc -I 1.5 -o mclOutput
orthomclMclToGroups led 1 < mclOutput > groups.txt

The orthomcl.config file was set as follows:


Count gene families

# Count the number of all types of gene families
python count_all_gene_families --gene_family_directory /home/lin/gene_families/ --file_suffix fasta --gene_family_number 10460

Multiple alignment

# Run muscle
ls *.pep.fasta|awk '{print "muscle -in "$0" -out "$1".pep.muscle"}' | sh
ls /home/lin/gene_families | grep "pep.fasta$" | awk -F'.' '{print "perl "$1".pep.muscle "$1".fasta > "$1".gene_family.fasta"}' | sh

Phylogenetic analysis

Genetic distance estimation

# Change fasta format into phy format for all single-copy gene files
ls *.conserved_gene_family_for_genetic_distance.fasta | awk '{print "perl "$0" > "$0".phy "}' | sh

# Calculate genetic distance
calculate_genetic_distance.r --gene_family_directory /home/lin/gene_families/ 

Species tree construction

# Concatenate all single-copy gene families into a fasta file
cat *.conserved_gene_family.fasta >> all_conserved_gene_family.fasta

# Change fasta format into phy format
perl all_conserved_gene_family.fasta >  all_conserved_gene_family.phy

# Run phyml
phyml -i all_conserved_gene_family.phy -b 1000 -d nt -m GTR -c 4 -a e -o tlr

Divergence time estimation

First, we ran baseml to calculate the substitution rate.

# Run baseml 

The baseml.ctl was set as follows:

  seqfile = all_conserved_gene_family.phy 
  outfile = mlb       
 treefile = all_conserved_gene_family.nwk  

    noisy = 3   * 0,1,2,3: how much rubbish on the screen
  verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
  runmode = 0   * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic
                * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI 

    model = 7   * 0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85, 5:T92, 6: TN93, 7: GTR
    Mgene = 0   * 0:rates, 1:separate; 2:diff pi, 3:diff kapa, 4:all diff
fix_kappa = 0
    kappa = 2   * initial or given kappa
fix_alpha = 0 
    alpha = 0.5  * initial or given alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)
   Malpha = 0   * 1: different alpha's for genes, 0: one alpha
    ncatG = 5   * # of categories in the dG, AdG, or nparK models of rates
  fix_rho = 1  
      rho = 0.  * initial or given rho,   0:no correlation
    nparK = 0   * rate-class models. 1:rK, 2:rK&fK, 3:rK&MK(1/K), 4:rK&MK 
    clock = 1   * 0: no clock, unrooted tree, 1: clock, rooted tree
    nhomo = 1   * 0 & 1: homogeneous, 2: kappa's, 3: N1, 4: N2
    getSE = 1   * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
RateAncestor = 0   * (1/0): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (alpha=0)
cleandata = 0  * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?

Then, we ran mcmctree to estimate the divergence time.

# Run mcmctree [usedata = 3] to perform ML estimation of the branch lengths, g and H without the clock
cp out.BV in.BV

# Run mcmctree [usedata = 2] to perform Bayesian estimation of divergence times using the approximate likelihood method

The mcmctree.ctl was set as follows:

      seed = -1
   seqfile = all_conserved_gene_family_4dtv.phy
  treefile = all_conserved_gene_family.nwk
   outfile = out_usedata2

     ndata = 1
   usedata = 2    * 0: no data; 1:seq like; 2:normal approximation
     clock = 2    * 1: global clock; 2: independent rates; 3: correlated rates
   RootAge = '<1'  * constraint on root age, used if no fossil for root.
     model = 7    *  0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85, 5:T92, 6: TN93, 7: GTR
     alpha = 0.5   * alpha for gamma rates at sites
     ncatG = 5    * No. categories in discrete gamma
 cleandata = 0    * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?
   BDparas = 1 1 0   * birth, death, sampling
kappa_gamma = 6 2      * gamma prior for kappa
alpha_gamma = 1 1      * gamma prior for alpha
rgene_gamma = 1 2.04     * gamma prior for rate for genes
sigma2_gamma = 1 10    * gamma prior for sigma^2     (for clock=2 or 3)
    finetune = 1: 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.5  * times, rates, mixing, paras, RateParas
       print = 2
      burnin = 10000
    sampfreq = 10
     nsample = 20000

Positive selection analysis

SNP calling

# for Apis laboriosa
# Use samtools to map all the pair-end reads
bwa index Apis_laboriosa.fasta
samtools faidx Apis_laboriosa.fasta
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_laboriosa.fasta DEL01745_L6_1_clean.fq DEL01745_L6_2_clean.fq > heida.1.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_laboriosa.fasta DEL01746_L6_1_clean.fq DEL01746_L6_2_clean.fq > heida.2.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_laboriosa.fasta DSW63853_L8_1_clean.fq DSW63853_L8_2_clean.fq > heida.3.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_laboriosa.fastaa DSW63855_L1_1_clean.fq DSW63855_L1_2_clean.fq > heida.4.sam
samtools view -b -S heida.1.sam > heida.1.bam
samtools view -b -S heida.2.sam > heida.2.bam
samtools view -b -S heida.3.sam > heida.3.bam
samtools view -b -S heida.4.sam > heida.4.bam
samtools sort heida.1.bam heida.1.sort
samtools sort heida.2.bam heida.2.sort
samtools sort heida.3.bam heida.3.sort
samtools sort heida.4.bam heida.4.sort
samtools merge heida.sort.bam heida.1.sort.bam heida.2.sort.bam heida.3.sort.bam heida.4.sort.bam
samtools index heida.sort.bam 
# Use freebayes to call the snp
freebayes -f Apis_laboriosa.fasta -p 8 --use-best-n-alleles 4 heida.sort.bam --pooled-discrete > heida.sort.bam.p8.discrete.vcf
less heida.sort.bam.p8.discrete.vcf| vcffilter -f "QUAL > 30" -f "TYPE = snp" >heida.sort.bam.p8.discrete.vcf.filter.vcf

# for Apis dordata
# Use samtools to map all the pair-end reads
bwa index Apis_dorsata.fasta
samtools faidx Apis_dorsata.fasta
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_dorsata.fasta /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1564144_1.fastq /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1564144_2.fastq > Apis_dorsata.1.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_dorsata.fasta /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575110_1.fastq /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575110_2.fastq > Apis_dorsata.2.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_dorsata.fasta /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575111_1.fastq /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575111_2.fastq > Apis_dorsata.3.sam
bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:IDa\tPU:81MMNABXX\tSM:exomeSM\tPL:Illumina' -T 30 Apis_dorsata.fasta /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575122_1.fastq /ssd1/lin/apis/data/reads/SRR1575122_2.fastq > Apis_dorsata.4.sam
samtools view -b -S Apis_dorsata.1.sam > Apis_dorsata.1.bam
samtools view -b -S Apis_dorsata.2.sam > Apis_dorsata.2.bam
samtools view -b -S Apis_dorsata.3.sam > Apis_dorsata.3.bam
samtools view -b -S Apis_dorsata.4.sam > Apis_dorsata.4.bam
samtools sort Apis_dorsata.1.bam Apis_dorsata.1.sort
samtools sort Apis_dorsata.2.bam Apis_dorsata.2.sort
samtools sort Apis_dorsata.3.bam Apis_dorsata.3.sort
samtools sort Apis_dorsata.4.bam Apis_dorsata.4.sort
samtools merge Apis_dorsata.sort.bam Apis_dorsata.1.sort.bam Apis_dorsata.2.sort.bam Apis_dorsata.3.sort.bam Apis_dorsata.4.sort.bam
samtools index Apis_dorsata.sort.bam 
# Use freebayes to call the snp
freebayes -f Apis_dorsata.fasta -p 19 --pooled-discrete --use-best-n-alleles 4 Apis_dorsata.sort.bam > Apis_dorsata.sort.bam.p19.discrete.vcf
less Apis_dorsata.sort.bam.p19.discrete.vcf| vcffilter -f "QUAL > 30" -f "TYPE = snp" > Apis_dorsata.sort.bam.p19.discrete.vcf.filter.vcf

PAML free-ratio model

"The branch models allow the ω (dN/dS, the synonymous rate / the non-synonymous rate) to vary among branches in the phylogeny and are useful for detecting positive selection acting on particular lineages." —— Ziheng Yang

Step 1: Define phylogenetic tree

As we assume no clock and rates are entirely free to vary from branch to branch (clock = 0 at the ctl file), the unrooted tree was used under this model. The tree is shown as follows:

(Temnothorax, Dinoponera, ((Florea, ((Laboriosa, Dorsata), (Cerana, Mellifera))), (Terrestris, Impatiens)));

Step 2: Prepare the control(ctl) file

We used the free-ratios model (model = 1) to compute an independent ω ratio for each branch. The ctl file is set as follows:

  seqfile = *.conserved_gene_family.fasta
 treefile = *.conserved_gene_family.nwk
  outfile = *.conserved_gene_family.free_ratio.mlc

    noisy = 3   * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen
  verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
  runmode = 0   * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic
                * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI 

  seqtype = 1   * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs
CodonFreq = 2   * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table
    clock = 0   * 0: no clock, unrooted tree, 1: clock, rooted tree
    model = 1   * models for codons:
                    * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches
  NSsites = 0   * 0:one w;1:neutral;2:selection; 3:discrete;4:freqs;
                * 5:gamma;6:2gamma;7:beta;8:beta&w;9:beta&gamma;
                * 10:beta&gamma+1; 11:beta&normal>1; 12:0&2normal>1;
                * 13:3normal>0
    icode = 0   * 0:standard genetic code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below
fix_kappa = 0   * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated
    kappa = 2   * initial or fixed kappa
fix_omega = 0   * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate 
    omega = 1   * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-transltd AAs
fix_alpha = 1   * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha
    alpha = 0  * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)
   Malpha = 0   * different alphas for genes
    ncatG = 4   * # of categories in the dG or AdG models of rates
    getSE = 0   * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
RateAncestor = 1   * (1/0): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (alpha=0)
 fix_blength = 0    * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional

Run the free_ratio.ctl file:

ls *.conserved_gene_family.free_ratio_branch.ctl | awk '{print "codeml "$0""}' | sh

PAML branch-site model

"The branch-site models allow ω to vary both among sites in the protein and across branches on the tree and aim to detect positive selection affecting a few sites along particular lineages." —— Ziheng Yang

Step 1: Define phylogenetic tree

We need to define the lineages of interest (called foreground branches) in the phylogentic tree. Different ω can apply to the foreground branches, while the background branches share the same distribution of ω value among sites.

We set Apis laboriosa and Apis dorsata as the foreground branch, respectively. The trees are shown as follows:

# Set Apis laboriosa lineage as foreground branch
(Temnothorax, Dinoponera, ((Florea, ((Laboriosa #1, Dorsata), (Cerana, Mellifera))), (Terrestris, Impatiens)));
# Set Apis dorsata lineage as foreground branch
(Temnothorax, Dinoponera, ((Florea, ((Laboriosa, Dorsata #1), (Cerana, Mellifera))), (Terrestris, Impatiens)));

Step 2: Prepare the control(ctl) files

To calculate the likelihood value, we need to compare an alternative model (model = 2 NSsites = 2), where the foreground branch could have a proportion of sites under positive selection, with the corresponding null model (fix_omega = 1 and omega = 1), in which the foreground branch may have different proportions of sites under neutral selection and purifying selection to the background branches.

The ctl file of the alternative mdoel was set as follows:

*model = 2 (different dN/dS for branches)

*NSsites = 2 (3 categories for sites: purifying, neutral and positive selection).

  seqfile = *.conserved_gene_family.fasta
 treefile = *.conserved_gene_family.nwk
  outfile = *.conserved_gene_family.alternative.mlc

    noisy = 3   * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen
  verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
  runmode = 0   * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic
                * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI 

  seqtype = 1   * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs
CodonFreq = 2   * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table
    clock = 0   * 0: no clock, unrooted tree, 1: clock, rooted tree
    model = 2  * models for codons:
                    * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches
  NSsites = 2   * 0:one w;1:neutral;2:selection; 3:discrete;4:freqs;
                * 5:gamma;6:2gamma;7:beta;8:beta&w;9:beta&gamma;
                * 10:beta&gamma+1; 11:beta&normal>1; 12:0&2normal>1;
                * 13:3normal>0
    icode = 0   * 0:standard genetic code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below
fix_kappa = 0   * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated
    kappa = 2   * initial or fixed kappa
fix_omega = 0   * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate 
    omega = 1   * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-transltd AAs
fix_alpha = 1   * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha
    alpha = 0   * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)
   Malpha = 0   * different alphas for genes
    ncatG = 4   * # of categories in the dG or AdG models of rates
    getSE = 0   * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
    RateAncestor = 0   * (1/0): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (alpha=0)
    fix_blength = 0    * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional

Run the alternative.ctl file:

ls  *.conserved_gene_family.branch_site_alternative.ctl |awk '{print "codeml "$0""}' | sh

The ctl file of the null mdoel was set as follows:

*fix_omega = 1 (dN/dS is fixed to 1)

*omega = 1

  seqfile = *.conserved_gene_family.fasta
 treefile = *.conserved_gene_family.nwk
  outfile = *.conserved_gene_family.null.mlc

    noisy = 3   * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen
  verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
  runmode = 0   * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic
                * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI 

  seqtype = 1   * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs
CodonFreq = 2   * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table
    clock = 0   * 0: no clock, unrooted tree, 1: clock, rooted tree
    model = 2  * models for codons:
                    * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches
  NSsites = 2   * 0:one w;1:neutral;2:selection; 3:discrete;4:freqs;
                * 5:gamma;6:2gamma;7:beta;8:beta&w;9:beta&gamma;
                * 10:beta&gamma+1; 11:beta&normal>1; 12:0&2normal>1;
                * 13:3normal>0
    icode = 0   * 0:standard genetic code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below
fix_kappa = 0   * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated
    kappa = 2   * initial or fixed kappa
fix_omega = 1   * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate 
    omega = 1   * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-transltd AAs
fix_alpha = 1   * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha
    alpha = 0   * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)
   Malpha = 0   * different alphas for genes
    ncatG = 4   * # of categories in the dG or AdG models of rates
    getSE = 0   * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
    RateAncestor = 0   * (1/0): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (alpha=0)
    fix_blength = 0    * 0: ignore, -1: random, 1: initial, 2: fixed, 3: proportional

Run the null.ctl file:

ls  *.conserved_gene_family.branch_site_null.ctl |awk '{print "codeml "$0""}' | sh

Step 3: Calculate the p value

We retieved the likelihood values lnL1 and lnL0 from the alternative.mlc and the null.mlc files, respectively. Then, we constructed the ΔLRT = 2×(lnL1 - lnL0). Finally, we ran chi2 1 ΔLRT to get a p value. The final p value is this p value divided by 2.

Step 4: Retrieve sites under positive selection if statistically significant (p value < 0.05)

PAML uses the Bayes empirical Bayes (BEB) to calculate the posterior probabilities for site classes and identify sites under positive selection if the likelihood ratio test is significant. The program prints out an * if the posterior probability is >95%, and ** if the probability is > 99%.

BUSTED (Branch-Site Unrestricted Statistical Test for Episodic Diversification)

"BUSTED provides a gene-wide (not site-specific) test for positive selection by asking whether a gene has experienced positive selection at at least one site on at least one branch." —— Murrell B

Unlike PAML, BUSTED assumes that positive selection may also be present in the background branches, allowing a more adequate description of complex biological data.

Step 1: Define phylogenetic tree

We set Apis laboriosa and Apis dorsata as the foreground branch, respectively. The trees are shown as follows:

# Set Apis laboriosa lineage as foreground branch
(Temnothorax, Dinoponera, ((Florea, ((Laboriosa{Foreground}, Dorsata), (Cerana, Mellifera))), (Terrestris, Impatiens)));
# Set Apis dorsata lineage as foreground branch
(Temnothorax, Dinoponera, ((Florea, ((Laboriosa, Dorsata{Foreground}), (Cerana, Mellifera))), (Terrestris, Impatiens)));

Step 2: Run hyphy BUSTED

ls  *.conserved_gene_family.muscle.fasta |awk -F '.' '{print "hyphy busted --alignment "$0" --tree *.conserved_gene_family.nwk --branches Foreground >> "$1".conserved_gene_family.hyphy.log"}' | sh

BUSTED outputs the likelihood under the unconstrained alternative model (allows positive selection, neutral selection and purifying selection for both foreground and backgrpund branches), and under the constrained null model (disallows positive selection among foreground branches). Also, BUSTED outputs the p value for likelihood ratio test. If p value < 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis that there is no at least one site that has, at least some of the time, experienced positive selection on the foreground branches.

In addition to this output, BUSTED also calculates "Evidence Ratios" (ERs) for each site. The ER reports the likelihood ratio (in a log-scale format) that the unconstrained alternative model is a better fit to the data compared to the constrained null model. Unlike the BEB posterior probabilities provided by PAML, the ER for each site just provides descriptive information about whether a given site could have evolved under positive selection.

Gene duplication/loss analysis

Calculate coverage of properly pairs

# an example
sambamba view -t 40 -h -f bam -F "mapping_quality >= 1 and not (unmapped or secondary_alignment) and not ([XA] != null or [SA] != null)" heida.4.sort.bam -o heida.4.unique.sort.bam
samtools index heida.4.unique.sort.bam
samtools view -q 30 -b -h heida.4.unique.sort.bam scaffold18_cov149:1478038-1480188  > out1.aligned.bam
sed -i "/=.*\t-/d" out1.aligned.bam
samtools flagstat out1.aligned.bam


"RANGER-DTL (short for Rapid ANalysis of Gene family Evolution using Reconciliation-DTL) is a software package for inferring gene family evolution by speciation, gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, and gene loss. The software takes as input a gene tree (rooted or unrooted) and a rooted species tree and reconciles the two by postulating speciation, duplication, transfer,and loss events." —— Bansal M S

Step 1: Construct unrooted gene trees

# Change fasta format into phy format
ls *.gene_family_for_dl.fasta | awk '{print "perl "$0" >  "$1".gene_family_for_dl.phy"}' | sh

# Run phyml
ls *.gene_family_for_dl.phy | awk '{print " phyml -i "$0" -b 100 -d nt -m GTR -c 4 -a e"}' | sh

Step 2: Compute the optimal roots for unrooted gene trees to minimize the DTL reconciliation cost

ls  *.gene_family_for_dl.newick |awk -F '.' '{print "./OptRoot.linux -i "$0" -D 2 -T 1000 -L 1 | grep ";" >> "$1".gene_family_for_dl.opt.newick"}' | sh

Step 3: Compute an optimal DTL reconciliation for the rooted gene tree and rooted species tree and summarize the results

We used the following Bash script to compute 100 optimal reconciliations (sampled uniformly at random), and then aggregated the samples into a single reconciliation file (AggregateOutput.txt).

We used default cost for duplication and loss, and set the HGT cost as 1,000 to exclude the HGT events.

for j in *.gene_family_for_dl.opt.newick; do
    cat species.newick >> $j.gene_family.newick
    cat $j.gene_family.opt.newick >> $j.gene_family.newick
    mkdir OutputFiles$j
    for((i=1;i<=100;i++)); do
        ./ranger-dtl-U.linux --seed $i -i $j.gene_family.newick -D 2 -T 1000 -L 1 -o OutputFiles$j/rangerOutput$i
    ./AggregateRanger.linux OutputFiles$j/rangerOutput >> AggregateOutput$j.txt


"Treerecs is a very easy-use phylogenetic software based on duplication-loss reconciliation." —— Comte N

ls *.gene_family_for_dl.newick | awk -F '.' '{print "treerecs -g "$0" -s speices_tree_rooted.nwk -O newick:svg -O recphyloxml -t 98 -o "$1".treerecs_out -f"}' | sh

References: 1) Yang Z. PAML 4: phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood[J]. Molecular biology and evolution, 2007, 24(8): 1586-1591. 2) Murrell B, Weaver S, Smith M D, et al. Gene-wide identification of episodic selection[J]. Molecular biology and evolution, 2015, 32(5): 1365-1371. 3) Bansal M S, Alm E J, Kellis M. Efficient algorithms for the reconciliation problem with gene duplication, horizontal transfer and loss[J]. Bioinformatics, 2012, 28(12): i283-i291. 4) Comte N, Morel B, Hasić D, et al. Treerecs: an integrated phylogenetic tool, from sequences to reconciliations[J]. Bioinformatics, 2020, 36(18): 4822-4824.