lindorffs / voidgen

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A lightweight, LUA powered, 2D game engine built with SDL3.


~You can download the current unstable version of the engine from the releases page.~ Or build it from source.

VoidGEN loads the file pre_init.lua from the current working directory. VoidGEN will generate on the first run if it is not present.

Building From Source

Ultimately, VoidGEN is a single header file and a single .cpp file linked with SDL and LUA. This means it is possible to compile voidgen using a single command assuming the pre-requisite development libraries are installed and accessible by the compiler.

g++ src/*.cpp -I./includes -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc \
-Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread \
-Wl,-Bdynamic -lSDL3 \
-lSDL3_image -lSDL3_ttf \
-llua5.3 -o VoidGEN.bin