linem / budget-reports-shiny

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Input data

Input file(s) must be in csv format and contain at least 4 columns

Place any/all input files together in a directory

Tip: Use reimbursement as maincategory for income that should instead reduce expenses.

Format input data

Run the helper script utils/prepare_data.R to process the input data for use in budget-reports-shiny app.

./utils/prepare_data.R input_directory

# help
positional arguments:
  input_dir           directory of input files

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -w, -w              allowed to overwrite output file

optional arguments:
  -x, --opts          RDS file containing argument values
  -d, --date_col      column name for the date [default: date]
  -a, --amount_col    column name for the amount [default: amount]
  -m, --maincat_col   column name for the main category [default:
  -s, --subcat_col    column name for the sub category [default:
  -o, --output_fname  name of the output file in data_finished folder [default:

To do