lingochamp / Multi-Scale-BERT-AES

Demo for the paper "On the Use of BERT for Automated Essay Scoring: Joint Learning of Multi-Scale Essay Representation"
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This is a demo for the paper(NAACL 2022 long paper accepted): "On the Use of BERT for Automated Essay Scoring: Joint Learning of Multi-Scale Essay Representation"

Steps to run the decoding process: step 1: Download the project to the computer. step 2: Download the model(for ASAP's prompt 8) to the computer with the following link: Link: step 3: Update the config file "asap.ini" and set the parameters as following: data_dir: your local directory to store the essays of prompt 8 (file format: id \t text \t score); model_directory: your local directory to store the model which is obtained in step 2; result_file: the path of file to store prediction result. step 4: Run the following script to get scoring result: sh