lingua-libre / SignIt

🌻 Lingua Libre SignIt web-browser extension translates selected word in French Sign Language via an elegant pop up so you learn sign language while reading online.
MIT License
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Understanding new users #58

Closed hugolpz closed 1 month ago

hugolpz commented 3 months ago

TLDR: Following SignIt being posted on "" and Wikimedia GSoC24 , and Lingualibre Wikimedia GSoC24, about 7 student developpers interested by the Google Summer of Code 2024 arrived here, showing interest and curiousity. After some discussion on #58 , the Lingualibre GSoC24 apprentice selection started, mostly on Discord.

Hello @pushkar707, @shashankiitbhu, @JatinSainiOO7, @LeoDupont . cc @kabir-afk


In past few weeks I saw 4 new github accounts arrive on this open source Wikimedia project. I would like to understand better the reason of these arrivals and the possibilities it could open. Also may I ask you more about you and your interest in SignIt ?

  1. How did you discovered SignIt's repository ?
  2. Are you wikimedians editors ? -> which wiki projects
  3. Are you developer ? -> which coding languages ?
  4. What is your relation to sign languages ? -> practicing, interested, related people are practicing ?


It's great to see this new activity and I strongly suspect it is linked with our recent GSOC exploration which is playing out this late March. I would like to understand your interest better so I may answer your needs better. Feel free to DM me if you prefer.

shashankiitbhu commented 3 months ago

Hi @hugolpz

  1. I got to know about this project through GSOC Idea Page for Wikimedia
  2. I am a contributor in another Wikimedia Project - Commons Android App
  3. I am a developer my relevant tech skills for this project includes CSS, HTML5, JavaScript
  4. I am interested in it
pushkar707 commented 3 months ago

Hi @hugolpz,

So, I got to know about the Signit project through GSOC, and I wish to work over it for GSOC internship, therefore I have been taking out my time, getting familiar with the codebase, and make contributions.

I haven't worked on any wiki projects in the past, but I have done open-source contributions before this.

I am a developer in Javascript (MERN Stack) and Python (Flask and Django). My portfolio:

I have no particular relation with sign languages, but the project seems very interesting and helpful to me personally.

pushkar707 commented 3 months ago

Hi @hugolpz,

I was looking at the projects list of Wikimedia and I don't see Signit project there. I think the projects list has been updated.

Can you please confirm this to me?

hugolpz commented 3 months ago

@pushkar707 @shashankiitbhu

@Poslovitch (Lingualibre v3.0) and myself (SignIt) have some paperwork to do this weekend to get our 2 projects back on track yes. We will then get back on the list. We are on it. We come back to you guys this weekend.

hugolpz commented 3 months ago

@pushkar707 we have two projects in line. Poslovitch projects involves Python Django. So stay tuned. I opened this issue #58 precisely to better know where i redirect each interested profile according to best fit. 👍🏻

pushkar707 commented 3 months ago

@hugolpz thanks for letting me know, and also it's great to know that there's a project involving django also!

saltykheera commented 3 months ago

Hey @hugolpz, I've been really intrigued by the SignIt project since 2023. I remember you noticed my previous attempts to understand the code base. I'm proficient in JavaScript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and Python. In fact, I've worked on a hackathon project where I built a sign language to text language detection system using video-to-text processing. This experience further fueled my interest in this field. Looking forward to contributing more to the SignIt project!

pushkar707 commented 3 months ago

Hi @hugolpz, i received your mail, and created accounts you mentioned on email,

My username is pushkar7077

I don't have push/pull access to Poslovitch repository. I saw the ~microtask 1~ microtask 2 , and I want to complete it as soon as I get the access to the repository.

hugolpz commented 3 months ago

Hello all, following recent arrival of 5~6 users and your self introductions above or via DM I started to do my best to spread the relevant information to the right persons, and the relevant persons to the relevant project.

Please bear with me : it wasn't clear who was here explicitly here for the GSoC2024 and who was here to chill on a cool open source project. My core idea is we are all here to get experience & fun, with different skills and constraints. When the goal is explicitly to gain professional experience, I redirect the user toward the relevant project, etc.

Where are we now ?

[GSoC] Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement

Wikimedia GSoC & Wikimedia Phabricator

The larger mother project Lingua Libre involving Django and Vuejs skills is applying for the Google Summer of Code 2024. So I encouraged both @shashankiitbhu and @pushkar707 , who actually landed here with GSoC intership in mind and the will to acquire formal experience, to explore that Lingualibre project. Discussion about this project are lead on Phabricator (so I will avoid this topic here).

PS: @saltykheera, given your JS+Python background but junior profile, you may be interested to follow this process as well. It will give you experience for later years (2025+). 👍🏼

[FOSS] Lingua Libre SignIt

@kabir-afk, myself and @saltykheera expressed interest for SignIt in a open source way. Lingualibre SignIt, a much smaller projet. There are minor feature requests to code and migrate to Chrome-based development. The main difficulty in 2024 for us will be to understand Web extension manifest v3.0 documentations, with its convoluted security constrains, and to lead a revamp to manifest v3. We are mostly chill about it, it's a summer 2024 objectives, but we are preparing the way.

Issues: there have been a wave of issues this past week I will process them little by little.

[GSoC] Lingua Libre SignIt

Wikimedia GSoC & Wikimedia Phabricator

There is also a weaker possibility that SignIt also get a GSoC2024 modest intership, just 90 hours. One requirement we don't meet there is the need of a 2nd technical mentor. If someone feels to do so with me, you are welcome. We can then prepare the application of one intern.

GSoC context

During this [late March application] time, [mentors will] guide candidates in making small contributions to your project and address any project-related queries they may have. As the application period concludes, you'll further intensify your collaboration with accepted candidates throughout the coding period, which extends from May to August. Your support and guidance are crucial to their success in the program.

GSoC timeline

We have 4 potential applicants on Lingualibre (Django+Vuejs), 2 applicants on SignIt (web-ext + JS) :

Synchroneous discussion

For each of you, please join our Discord > Tech board chanel of synchroneous conversation. Be it for GSoC or for long term, chill open source contribution, we currently have a group dynamic. Rapid discussion could help move further, including on the GSoC choices.

jatinder14 commented 3 months ago

Hi I am a full stack developer contributing to wikimedia from past few days. I can handle complex backends and frontend as well. cc @hugolpz

zhjiang1103 commented 3 months ago

Hey @hugolpz, I'm really interested in contributing to the Signit project through GSOC and beyond. I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at Georgia Insititute of Technology and have experience as a full-stack developer for PERN stack, along with proficiency in Python. I'm also a contributor to wikieducation. Previously, I worked in the education industry and am familiar with sign language.

hugolpz commented 3 months ago

Hello @zhjiang1103 , thank for your interest. SignIt is a web-extension, it's rather a small project and small GSoC intership (2.5 weeks) for a Master degree, involving JS only. It doesn't seems to be optimal for your professional growth. SignIt would be more interesting for 2nd~3rd year student with JS skills. You can contact me on our Discord > Tech board chanel. Say you are Zhjiang1103 from github.

hugolpz commented 1 month ago

See the TLDR at the top of this issue.