lingua-libre / SignIt

🌻 Lingua Libre SignIt web-browser extension translates selected word in French Sign Language via an elegant pop up so you learn sign language while reading online.
MIT License
11 stars 13 forks source link


Lingua Libre SignIt translate a word in (French) Sign Language videos.

This extension allows you to translate a word into French sign language on any web page. When you read a text and come across a word you don't know, highlight that word, right click and click on the Sign it icon: the sign in LSF and the definition of the word in French will appear on a window. If a word is not available in LSF, we invite you to record it with our easy-to-use webapp on The definitions come from the French Wiktionary to which you can also contribute:


Manual install is possible for Chrome, Chromium. Should be eqully possible with Windows Edge.


Firefox note: install of Firefox via snap install are not compatible with npm web-ext due to path changes, please install Firefox from deb.

Build & launch

# git clone the repository first, then...
npm install                 # Install dependencies
# Bump version : edit package.json and manifest.json, ex: 1.0.12 -> 1.0.13
npm run web-ext:build       # build the firefox extension into an instalable .zip
# Opens web browsers with lasted dev of SignIt and url defined in package.json
npm run web-ext:test-firefox         # Firefox
npm run web-ext:test-chromium        # Chromium

See also Mozilla's web-ext


Mouse install



├── manifest.json (v.2) — defines extensions and dependencies rights.
├── background-script.js — main script.
├── SignItCoreContent.js — creates duo panels "Video | Definition"
├── SignItVideosGallery.js — given urls, creates gallery of videos.
├── content_scripts/
|   ├── signit.js — creates above text SignIt popup
|   └── wpintegration.js — on wikimedia sites, if page's title has a sign language video available, then display smartly.
└── popup/
    ├── popup.js — creates top bar SignIt icon's popup, with search, history and settings.
    └── SearchWidget.js — handle the search queries



We look for volunteers:



