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How to get CustomModel in place of HKWMentionsAttribute #237

Open ParagDevac opened 2 years ago

ParagDevac commented 2 years ago

Currently i have implemented it , but when i get mention from plugin.mention() i am getting as [HKWMentionsAttribute]. Actually , here i need more data from my [MentionsEntity]. So, is it possible to get data as [MentionsEntity] in place of HKWMentionsAttribute ?

var myDict = [String:[String]]() //Here i am getting [HKWMentionsAttribute] but i need as [MentionsEntity] if let mPlug = plugin , let ment = mPlug.mentions() as? [MentionsEntity] , ment.count > 0 {

        ment.enumerated().forEach { (index , mentionedEntity) in
            if mentionedEntity.entityMentionedType() == "user" {

            } else if mentionedEntity.entityMentionedType() == "garba_class" {


please help me . Thank you .