linkedin / Hakawai

A powerful, extensible UITextView.
Apache License 2.0
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A subclass of UITextView providing extended functionality and support for 'plugins'. Hakawai ships with the Mentions plug-in, which provides a powerful and flexible way to easily add social-media-esque @mentions-style annotation support to your iOS app.

For a higher-level overview, check out our blog post at the LinkedIn engineering blog.

:sparkles: Features

:wrench: Getting Started

For more detailed documentation, check out the wiki.


Integrating Hakawai


The primary Hakawai entity is the HKWTextView. It is a direct replacement of a vanilla UITextView, and may be used the same way as a UITextView with one important exception. Never set the HKWTextView's delegate property. If you need the functionality of the UITextViewDelegate, set the externalDelegate or simpleDelegate properties instead. Those delegates combined should cover all use cases for which you would otherwise use delegate.

Hakawai's functionality is divided up into three main categories:

  1. HKWTextView+TextTransformation: methods for working with and altering text and attributes within the text view
  2. HKWTextView+Extras: miscellaneous utilities
  3. HKWTextView+Plugins: an API intended for consumption by plugins
    • You may use these features directly as well, but doing so may or may not cause conflicts with any active plugins

Sample App

The HakawaiDemo sample app demonstrates some of Hakawai's features. Get it by using CocoaPods' try feature: pod try Hakawai, or by manually checking out the repository and running the HakawaiDemo scheme. Here's what's included:

  1. First tab: a simple text entry field with buttons to reverse or perform a ROT13 transformation on the selected text

  2. Second tab: demonstrates control flow plugins and the Abstraction Layer, and contains a 'console' which will display the user's actions as they type in or delete text.

  3. Third tab: demonstrates the mentions plug-in

    • Type in @ or + to see a list of entities that you can select (for demonstration's sake, the 25 earliest Turing Award winners)
    • You can also type in three characters of the name to bring up the built-in chooser

:electric_plug: Plugins

Plugins are defined in the podspec file as subspecs, so you can pick and choose which plugins you want to use (as long as you include the Core subspec). If you are not using CocoaPods, each plug-in is located in a separate group in Xcode, and each plug-in's group can be deleted wholesale without compromising the functionality of the core library.

Hakawai supports two types of plugins, with both types receiving references to the parent HKWTextView:

  1. simple: has access to all the APIs of & can reference the core HKWTextView

  2. control flow: everything that simple plugins can do, plus the ability to implement additional delegate methods to respond to changes in the text view's state. Has two main subtypes, but please note that only one of the two subtypes can be registered to the text view at once:

    1. direct control flow plugins: receive UITextViewDelegate methods to monitor state of the text view and respond to user actions

    2. abstraction layer control flow plugins: receive HKWAbstractionLayerDelegate methods instead

Multiple simple plugins may be registered at once, but only one control flow plug-in can be registered at a time. Plugins can be unregistered at any time.

:speech_balloon: The Mentions Plugin

For more detailed documentation, check out the Mentions page on the wiki.

Hakawai/Mentions is a plugin that allows annotations to be created within a HKWTextView. Annotations are portions of text which refer to specific entities, treated as a monolithic unit, and can be styled differently from the rest of the text. Examples of annotations are the mentions feature supported by many popular social media applications.

To see Mentions in action, check out the included demo app. Or, download the LinkedIn iOS app from the App Store, log in with your LinkedIn account, and try mentioning a connection or company.

Mentions Features

Integrating Mentions

  1. Create a helper class that implements the three required methods in HKWMentionsDelegate
  2. Create an instance of HKWTextView
  3. Create an instance of HKWMentionsPlugin using one of the factory methods
  4. Set the mention plug-in's delegate property to an instance of your helper class
  5. Call registerControlFlowPlugin: on the text view instance to register the plug-in

See the documentation comments for more information on the relevant classes and methods.

:construction: Testing

Hakawai includes an almost-comprehensive unit test suite for the main text view powered by the Specta and Expecta libraries. We hope to have test coverage for the abstraction layer and mentions plug-in in the future, although unit tests are probably not sufficient for testing these components.

:pencil: Contributing

Bug reports, feature requests, pull requests, comments, criticism, and honest feedback are all welcome. Please open an issue if you can't find an existing one that matches.

We currently use version 1.5.0 of Cocoapods to manage dependencies.

Plans/known issues for this library include:

  1. Verifying proper functionality and integration of Abstraction Layer

  2. Proper handling of non-period punctuation inserted after a predictive suggestion is selected (right now, implicit deletion of space when it's replaced by the punctuation is not registered).

  3. Abstraction Layer support for Korean text input

  4. Automated testing

:dragon: Etymology

According to Wikipedia, "In Māori mythology, [...] Hakawai is a monstrous bird that ate people". There you go.

:copyright: Copyright & License

Hakawai © 2019 LinkedIn Corp. Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.