lelastic is a elastic IP client designed to make the use of elastic IPs as easy as possible it does not need any configuration dependencies or advanced bgp skills
a few assumptions are made by this tool:
otherwise it will default to announcing a /64version=v0.0.6
curl -LO https://github.com/linode/lelastic/releases/download/$version/lelastic.gz
gunzip lelastic.gz
chmod 755 lelastic
mv lelastic /usr/local/bin/
You can containzerize lelastic using Docker and push it to a registry. Use this approach if you'd like to use lelastic in a kubernetes cluster.
cd lelastic && docker build -t lelastic .
docker tag lelastic your-name-here/lelastic:latest
docker run -dp 3000:3000 lelastic
docker push your-name-here/lelastic:latest
Usage of ./lelastic:
-dcid int
dcid for your DC
set log format to json
-loglevel string
set log level: trace, debug, info or warn (default "info")
advertise as primary
advertise as secondary
Advertise ipv6 as /56 subnet (defaults to /64)
to annnounce the linode as primary simply run
./lelastic -dcid 10 -primary
to annnounce the linode as secondary simply run
./lelastic -dcid 10 -secondary
to annnounce the IPv6 on your loopback as a /56 subnet
./lelastic -dcid 10 -primary -send56