linq2db / linq2db.LINQPad

linq2db.LINQPad is a driver for LINQPad.
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IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries DLL #3

Closed tb-mtg closed 5 years ago

tb-mtg commented 8 years ago

It would be nice if this could support the DB2 for iSeries dll available from in your redist folder

ili commented 7 years ago

What about PR? Have no possibility to test anything with iSeries :(((

kpgmr72 commented 6 years ago

hmmm. This is exactly what i am trying to do as well, and i DO have access to test enviroments for the i. My thought was this... starting with the linq2db.LINQPad project, add the driver from into the project to have native iseries access. Please forgive me if i sound naive. I am only a budding C# programmer (spend most of my time doing iSeries stuff) and do not know if this is even possible. One thing i do know is that IBM is charging to use the IBM.Data.DB2 assembly with iSeries based db2 and they do not charge to use IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

I’m working on support iSeries in LINQPad. It will be released after 2.0. Since we have no access to iSeries testing environment, your help in testing will be appreciated.

tb-mtg commented 6 years ago

The link below can help you setup a free testing environment:

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

Maybe you can make the supported drivers configurable through linqpad or a config file, if possible. So that you can add any custom drivers not only the Linq2DB4iSeries.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Will add support of iSeries soon. I have done preparations for that. But i need your help in testing because we do not have environment for this database.

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

That would be great. If you provide an alpha version or anything like that, we could test a few things. But we only have a productive environment, so we could test only the basics.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

You just have to ensure that provider loaded and queries work. @RoyC-Retail-Assist, can you update iSeries provider to latest linq2db release?

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

Sure, that would be no problem.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

It works with V2.0 except for CTE. I will try to test with 2.1 this weekend.

There is a RC nuget

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, deploying your library with LINQPad will be enough if client libraries are installed?

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've not used LinqPad and was rather looking forwards to see how it is done.

In .Net code I usually create a DataContext thus.

    public class DBConnection : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
        public DBConnection(string conn) : base(new LinqToDB.DataProvider.DB2iSeries.DB2iSeriesDataProvider(), conn)

        public ITable<MyFileFile> TestTable { get { return GetTable<MyFile>(); } }

ProviderFactory methods should also work.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

In addition to above. The iSeries provider requires the installation of IBM iNavigtor which has the ADO.Net provider and also installs the COM objects that it needs. Unfortuantly this is only availble from IBM and is not, as far as I know, a public download.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, looks like you have implemented four DataProviders for iSeries. But ProviderDetector is not complete. You have to detect version based on opened connection. In this case i can add just one item in LINQPad for iSeries and ProviderDetector should return correct DataProvider for opened connection. Check SqlServerTools for sample.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've had a look at ProviderDetector and can see what needs doing. I'm on vacation from Thursday so may not be able to work on this for two weeks.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

NP, have a good vacation ;)

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've pushed branch V2.1 of the iSeries DataProvider. The provider detector should return the correct provider based upon the connection string.

If you need a nuget package for this I can sort out a RC version.

If you let me have a copy of the LinqPad driver I will do some testing with it.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, i have expected that you open connection and ask server for version (some select), not just parsing connections string. Or it is not possible with IBM products? This code just opens and do not use connection.

using (var conn = connectionCreator(cs))

    return GetDataProvider(css.Name, connectionString);
RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

For the server version this could be done as the iDB2Connection object has a ServerVersion property but the mapping of Guids as strings is something that is done by the provider not by the database hence having to flag it this way. Also by specifying the server version this way I am able to test the provider code works for both methods against a single v7.3 server which is important for us as we have code running against V7.1 even though we develop against v7.3.

I suspect that when I get time to test CTEs being able to target specific versions may become more helpful as I know that the CTE capability of newer versions is better. My unit tests run against all combinations of these flags so will hopefully pick up any issues.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, not in this place. Here, if you have connection string and specified "DB2.iSeries" provider name and AutoDetectProvider is true - you have to connect to the server and get version from server. How it works with SQL Server:

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

So if AutoDetectProvider = true it is expecting to get the provider based upon retrieving the details from the server? This could be done for the version but I would still need to have some way for the user to specify the MapGuidAsString option and the connection string would seem to be the only way of doing this.

The MinVer defaults to the lowest version so would be "safe" (the SQL generated would work even if not the most efficient) if it failed to get set correctly. MapGuidAsString affects how Guids are stored/retrieved so there isn't a "default" setting for it as having the wrong setting will cause errors.

Will how I have coded the ProviderDetector work as is? If so can we work to getting something that I can do some testing with as I have a gut feeling that there could be other issues that might need fixing e.g. SchemaProvider isn't something that we are using here so may possibly have bugs.

Do you have a sample test that I can use on the provider detector so that I can run through some scenarios?

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

You can get branch iseries_support install LINQPad 4 - it has trial license. And just run in debug. Add connection, and select LINQ To DB from top list box.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've get the iseries_suport branch but running in VS debug cannot start class library. I guess that the VS Start Action isn't saved into the git as it is a user setting. Can you let me know what it should be please.

I'm presuming that it should work with LinqPad 5 as I already have a licensed version of that.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Debug Start external program: C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad4\LINQPad.exe

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I have connection and the tables are populated but if I try to run table.Dump() on any of them I get a System.MissingMethodException Constructor on type 'UserQuery' not found. This is with LinqPad 5

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

Try to run in expression mode just SomeTable. Will check what happened in version 5. Maybe Dump requires something.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, i have same problem. Fixing...

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

I have updated branch. It was regression.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've got it running and it seems to work but the ProviderDetector doesn't seem to work at all so I'm going to try to get things bottomed out with that.

I'm trying to write out some debug data from the detector but neither Console.WriteLine nor Debug.WriteLine or Trace.WriteLine seem to output anything. Do you have any suggestions?

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, maybe because you have already registered dataprovider

DataConnection.AddDataProvider(DB2iSeriesProviderName.DB2, _db2iDataProvider);

Remove this line and give control for ProviderDetector. And test using the following command:

DataConnection.GetDataProvider(DB2iSeriesProviderName.DB2, connectionString);
RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I removed all the AddDataProvider statements and the ProviderDetector looks to be run. I'll do more testing on it tomorrow. Thanks for your help.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

It is not needed to remove all, but only this one.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've managed to find out how to get the necessary details from the server to determine which version it needs to use and have tided the ProviderDetector accordingly. I'm still unsure how we might allow the selection of the GuidAsString option. Changes pushed.

What would be the effort involved to add another string field into the Connection Options panel just below the Friendly Name that could be used to supply the necessary setting? The user would then be able to add any provider specific option that may be available.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, let's solve problems one by one :) Currently we will use default setting.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

Thinking about it - this is just showing "raw" data so isn't really a problem until someone wants to use their own objects. If we can get the conditional mapping stuff working then it may probably eliminate the necessity for provider option as the appropriate mapping could, hopefully, be determined from the target property.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

I have idea to provide some meta information for LINQ Pad driver to build more informative connection screen. Also i'm thinking about improving whole options model because currently it is static which is bad.

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, so which status of your part? Can we deliver new LINQPad version?

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I pushed a branch that is compatible with Linq2DB V2.2.0 and is good to go.

I'd like to be able to provide the MapGuidAsString option but that could be for a later release.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I've just released a NuGet package v2.2.0.3 which may be better to use.

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

While populating, I get the error: Object name SYSTABLES is not valid.

But I can successfully perform a SELECT * FROM SYSTABLES directly on the iSeries with the same user...

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

I'm guessing that it your library list setting on your connection string. You will need to have the Library List parameter in your connection string start with a comma so that the specified libraries are appended to the user's default libraries.

Will the connection string allow you to access SYSTABLES if used in C# code?

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

You are right, I can't access SYSTABLES in C#. Only, if use QSYS2.SYSTABLES. Somehow , the LibraryList parameter doesn't work. If I add it, I can't even connect with the message "At least one library has to be added to the library list".

My connection string looks like that: DataSource=...; LibraryList=,QSYS2; Password=...; UserID=...;

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

The provider needs to have the libraries explicitly provided in the library list so that it can determine which tables to use. So if you want to see tables from the FOO and BAR libraries you will need to set Library List = ,FOO,BAR .

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

I provide working libraries but I still get the this error, if I want to add a new connection: image

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

It works! I added the parameter Naming=SYSTEM to the connection string. Now, the populating works...

abgenullt commented 6 years ago

Ok, I've tested insert, select, update and delete statements. Everything without any error. Thank you very much.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 6 years ago

@sdanyliv this doesn't seem to have been released yet. Do you have an ETA ?

sdanyliv commented 6 years ago

We will try to do that tomorrow. PR needs review.

sdanyliv commented 5 years ago

@RoyC-Retail-Assist, we plan to release linq2db this weekend. And possible with new LINQPad. Could you please check that LINQPad connects to iSeries successfully? Just build from master.

RoyC-Retail-Assist commented 5 years ago

Sorry I was on vacation last week.

It looks to work OK however it is using v2.1.0.0 of the DB2iSeries provider. It would be better to use the package from NuGet

If there is a new version of Linq2DB (presumably 2.4.0) that will be included with this then, ideally, I would like to tests the DB2iSeries provider against this new version and release an update if necessary before the LinqPad update is released.