Closed divisuals closed 8 years ago
let's will make things a lot easier, I am confused at the source code directory almost all the time. And run test individually will be very helpful to debug a specific test.
Found out that a mechanism to run individual sedonac tests exists. For example, one can specify a single test as:
sedonac -test AppTest
svm tests are all run together for now, so that needs fixing.
Have another switch -utest arg
defined and working for svm tests where the argument can be a specific test, a specific type or a kit.
Also, updated the message on screen - didn't realize that most of the verifies is from a single test in hvac!
svm scode/x86-test.scode -utest hvac::LSeqTest.test
gives 54944 verifies! Will commit and create a pull request shortly.
Seems the merge is good so closing the issue.
Few specific clean-ups planned: