linsong / sedona

The Sedona Framework for building smart, networked embedded devices easier.
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The Sedona framework is designed to make it easy to build smart, networked embedded devices. Read Documentation.

This is a fork of the official Sedona framework, we call it as Sedona community branch. Here's why we decided to fork:

We use Academic Free License("AFL"), the same as the official Sedona framework. You can visit the official site for more details: (The official homesite is down for a while, seems it is not maintained anymore).

Major Improvements/Features

See all changes in the ChangeLog.

How To Build

Mac OS X

  1. make sure Xcode command line tools installed. you can run following command in terminal to install it:
    $ xcode-select --install
  2. in terminal window, go to sedona's folder and initialize the build environment:
    $ cd /path/to/sedona/src && source adm/unix/ 
  3. in terminal window, start to build sedona zipball:
    $ ./adm/


We build a shell script that uses docker to build sedona under linux, read here for more details.

Customize build platform

If it's necessary to cross-compile sedona to custom platform with own set of additional or modified kits, please follow instructions described here.


Contribution is always welcomed! If you want to contribute(add new feature, fix bugs etc), please create an issue first so that if others are interested, related discussion can happen there. At last, please avoid sending huge pull request.

The master branch is used as base branch for development, if you want to contribute, branch from here.

stable branch is used for stable features and for non-developer users, if you don't want to try bleeding edge features, you should use codes from this branch. master branch features will be merged to stable branch periodically before every release.

Happy Hacking! :-)