linux-msm / hexagonrpc

GNU General Public License v3.0
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This directory contains a FastRPC ioctl wrapper and a reverse tunnel.

FastRPC is used to communicate with the Context Hub Runtime Environment, a program on the DSP that manages sensors, and to serve files to remote processors.

Wrapper function

The wrapper function is designed so that the ioctl arguments do not need to be constructed for each remote method. Instead, it accepts an open file descriptor, handle, method definition, and arguments to the remote method using va_args. This makes it relatively easy to add remote methods without the use of the QAIC interface compiler or a free software alternative.


You can build and install this project using meson:

~/sensh/fastrpc $ meson setup build
~/sensh/fastrpc $ ninja -C build
~/sensh/fastrpc # ninja -C build install


Making already-defined method calls is relatively straightforward, depending on the remote method that you're calling. You just need the function definition, an open file descriptor, the handle, and the arguments for it.

uint32_t prev_ctx, prev_result, nested_outbufs_len;
uint32_t ctx, nested_handle, nested_sc, nested_inbufs_len;
uint32_t nested_inbufs_size;
const void *nested_outbufs;
void *nested_inbufs;
int fd;

ret = fastrpc2(&adsp_listener_next2_def, fd, ADSP_LISTENER_HANDLE,
           nested_outbufs_len, nested_outbufs,
           nested_inbufs_size, nested_inbufs);

All inputs are specified before all outputs. Words in the first (called "prim", or primary in QAIC-generated code) input and output buffers go in the form of uint32_t arguments. Each buffer is accepted as a uint32_t length and a pointer.

Creating function definitions

Assuming you already have knowledge about the remote method to call, you must first write a function definition for it. A function definition is a struct with information on its method ID and the arguments it accepts.

First, the method ID is taken from the first argument of the REMOTE_SCALARS_MAKE() macro or the second argument of the REMOTE_SCALARS_MAKEX() macro (defined here).



has the method 4.

Next, information on how many arguments it takes must be specified. There are four types of arguments:

To get the size of the first input and output buffers, a dump must be consulted, or the prim argument of generated C files:

invoking via fastrpc, handle 3, method 4, 2 inbufs, 2 outbufs, 0 inhandles, 0 outhandles
fastrpc argument 00000000FFFFFFFF0000000000000000 // 16 bytes, or 4 words
fastrpc argument 
invoking via fastrpc, handle 5, method 4, 1 inbufs, 1 outbufs, 0 inhandles, 0 outhandles
fastrpc return 91000000000000000002020029000000 // 16 bytes, or 4 words
fastrpc return 

Since there are 2 input buffers excluding the first (these can have a variable size), 2 must be subtracted from the 4 input words. These will be provided by the wrapper as the sizes for the variable-length input and output buffers.

Counting each of these will give the numbers needed for the function definition.

A function definition looks like:

const struct fastrpc_function_def_interp2 adsp_listener_next2_def = {
    .msg_id = 4,
    .in_nums = 2,
    .in_bufs = 1,
    .out_nums = 4,
    .out_bufs = 1,


#define DEFINE_REMOTE_PROCEDURE(mid, name,              \
                innums, inbufs,             \
                outnums, outbufs)           \
    const struct fastrpc_function_def_interp2 name##_def = {    \
        .msg_id = mid,                      \
        .in_nums = innums,                  \
        .in_bufs = inbufs,                  \
        .out_nums = outnums,                    \
        .out_bufs = outbufs,                    \

DEFINE_REMOTE_PROCEDURE(4, adsp_listener_next2, 2, 1, 4, 1)

Reverse tunnel

The reverse tunnel calls the adsp_listener_next2 remote method to receive method calls for the Application Processor.

Interfaces are initialized in the start_reverse_tunnel function, in hexagonrpcd/rpcd.c.


The reverse tunnel's apps_std interface serves files to the remote processor. These files are searched for in:

Physical file/dir           Android file/dir
/usr/share/qcom/acdb            /vendor/etc/acdbdata
/usr/share/qcom/dsp         /vendor/dsp
/usr/share/qcom/sensors/config      /vendor/etc/sensors/config
/usr/share/qcom/sensors/registry    /mnt/vendor/persist/sensors/registry/registry
/usr/share/qcom/sensors/sns_reg.conf    /vendor/etc/sensors/sns_reg_config
/usr/share/qcom/socinfo         /sys/devices/soc0

These files and directories should be populated with files from your device's Android firmware.

Future plans

Reverse tunnels are separated by the process that opens the file descriptor and cannot service requests from other processes that do not share the same file descriptor. There should be some daemon that opens the device and allows clients to send requests.

FastRPC may be the way to offload work to the DSPs. When a FastRPC function call is made, the <name>_skel_invoke function in a shared object named lib<name> is called on the DSP. Further investigation is needed to make a working build system for this.