linux-system-roles / tox-lsr

tox plugin for testing linux system roles locally via tox
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Linux System Roles Plugin for tox

This plugin for tox provides default settings used for testing Linux system roles via tox. The default settings can be overridden by role developer in tox.ini.

How to Get It

For local development, if you have already installed tox and pip:

pip install --user git+

This will install tox-lsr in your ~/.local directory where tox should find it. If you want to use a release tagged version:

pip install --user git+

Look at for the list of releases and tags.

To confirm that you have it and that tox can use it:

# tox --help | grep lsr-enable
usage: tox [--lsr-enable] [--version] [-h] [--help-ini] [-v] [-q]
  --lsr-enable          Enable the use of the tox-lsr plugin (env: LSR_ENABLE)

This shows that the --lsr-enable flag is available.

Additional requirements

Several tests use podman - so dnf install podman

QEMU tests have more requirements - see below QEMU Testing

Molecule and Ansible Version Support

tox-lsr 2.0 and later use molecule v3, which support Ansible 2.8 and later. If for some reason you need to support Ansible 2.7 or earlier, use tox-lsr 1.x.


Example tox.ini

The following is an example of a tox.ini from the kernel_settings role:

lsr_enable = true
commands_pre = bash -c '{toxinidir}/tests/ || {toxinidir}/tests/kernel_settings/'

configfile = {toxinidir}/.yamllint.yml
configbasename = .yamllint.yml

setenv =
    TEST_SRC_DIR = {toxinidir}/tests

The [lsr_config] section is the configuration for the tox-lsr plugin. You must set lsr_enable = true in order to use the plugin. You can confirm that the plugin is being used:

# tox -l

If the plugin is not enabled, you would only see testenv definitions in your tox.ini file.


There are several ways to append to and override the default configuration.

Tox command line arguments

All of the usual tox command line arguments work as you would expect. The information returned is a result of merging your local tox.ini with the default, so flags like -l will return the default environments, -e can use the default environments, --showconfig will show the full merged config, etc. However, the --skip-missing-interpreters argument is ignored. If you want to explicitly set this, you must add it to your local tox.ini:

skip_missing_interpreters = false

Standard tox.ini configuration

You can use the standard tox configuration in your local tox.ini, and the plugin will attempt to merge those settings with its default settings. If the setting is set in the local tox.ini, it will be applied, replacing any default setting, if any. However, there are a few settings which will be merged - setenv, passenv, deps, allowlist_external. For setenv, you can override a default setting. For example, if the default was:

setenv =
    A = a
    B = b
deps =
passenv =
allowlist_externals =
commands = pylint ...

and you specified this in your local tox.ini:

setenv =
    A = c
    D = d
deps =
passenv =
allowlist_externals =
commands = mypylint

The final result would be:

setenv =
    A = c
    B = b
    D = d
deps =
passenv =
allowlist_externals =
commands = mypylint

The local tox.ini settings were merged with the defaults, and in the case of setenv, the local tox.ini settings replaced the defaults where there was a conflict. All of the other parameters you set in the local tox.ini will be set, replacing any existing default parameters.

You can also define your own tests and config sections - you do not have to use custom. However, if you add your own tests, you must also add them to the [tox] section envlist. For example:

envlist = mytest

lsr_enable = true

deps = mydeps

deps = {[mytests_common]mydeps} mytestdep
commands = mytest

Then tox -l will show mytest in addition to the default tests.

How to completely disable a test

Define its testenv but use true for commands. For example, to disable flake8:

commands = true

Using the [lsr_config] section

There are a few settings that can be set in the [lsr_config] section:

Here is an example from the kernel_settings role that uses commands_pre to run a script before every test, and the script will only execute for certain tests:

lsr_enable = true
commands_pre = bash -c '{toxinidir}/tests/ || {toxinidir}/tests/kernel_settings/'

and this is what the script does:

case "${LSR_TOX_ENV_NAME:-}" in
  pylint) KS_LSR_NEED_TUNED=1 ;;
  py*) KS_LSR_NEED_TUNED=1 ;;
  coveralls) KS_LSR_NEED_TUNED=1 ;;
  flake8) KS_LSR_NEED_TUNED=1 ;;
if [ "$KS_LSR_NEED_TUNED" = 1 ] ; then
  ks_lsr_install_tuned "$KS_LSR_PYVER" "$(ks_lsr_get_site_packages_dir)"

So the script is only executed for pylint, coveralls, flake8, and any test beginning with py e.g. py38.

Using [lsr_TESTNAME] sections

Each test has a corresponding [lsr_TESTNAME] section. For example, there is a [lsr_flake8] section. This is primarily used when you want to completely replace the default config file. If the default looks like this:

configfile = {lsr_configdir}/flake8.ini

commands =
    bash {lsr_scriptdir}/
    python -m flake8 --config {[lsr_flake8]configfile} \
        {env:RUN_FLAKE8_EXTRA_ARGS:} {posargs} .

and you want to use your custom flake8.conf to completely override and replace the default config, use this in your local tox.ini:

configfile = {toxinidir}/flake8.conf

Then doing tox -e flake8 would use your flake8.conf.

Using setenv and environment variables

These environment variables can be set in your local tox.ini testenv section. Some of the environment variables we used in the old scripts are carried over:

There are some new variables which can be set via setenv in tox.ini or via environment variables:

These environment variables are deprecated and will be removed soon:

These environment variables have been removed:

Environment variables available for test scripts

These environment variables are set by the plugin or the default tox configuration and are available for use by test scripts:

Working on collections docs

It can be tricky to get the plugin and module docs to render correctly. Use a workflow like this:

  tox -e collection,ansible-test

This will convert your role to a collection, run ansible-test with only the ansible-doc test, and dump what the converted doc looks like, or dump errors if your doc could not be rendered correctly.

To run ansible-lint-collection you must first convert to collection.

> tox -e collection,ansible-lint-collection

QEMU testing

Integration tests are run using qemu/kvm using the test playbooks in the tests/ directory, using the standard-inventory-qcow2 script to create a VM and an Ansible inventory. There are several test envs that can be used to run these tests:

These tests run in one of two modes, depending on which of the following arguments you provide. Note that you must use -- on the command line after the -e qemu-ansible-core-2.N so that tox will not attempt to interpret these as tox arguments:

tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.16 -- --image-name fedora-39 ...

You must provide one of --image-file or --image-name.

The values for --image-name come from the config file passed to the --config argument below. The source of the config file is For convenience, download this file to your ~/.config directory:

curl -s -L -o ~/.config/linux-system-roles.json \

NOTE: By default, qemu-ansible-2.9 will run Ansible from an EL7 container using podman, because it is not possible to recreate the EL7 Ansible 2.9 environment with modern Fedora and EL9+ tox venvs. See below --ansible-container. The container is built from containers/Dockerfile in the tox-lsr repo.

Each additional command line argument is passed through to ansible-playbook, so it must either be an argument or a playbook. If you want to pass both arguments and playbooks, separate them with a -- on the command line:

tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.16 -- --image-name fedora-36 --become --become-user root -- tests_default.yml

This is because runqemu cannot tell the difference between an Ansible argument and a playbook. If you do not have any ansible-playbook arguments, only playbooks, you can omit the --:

tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.16 -- --image-name fedora-36 tests_default.yml

If using --collection, it is assumed you used tox -e collection first. Then specify the path to the test playbook inside this collection:

tox -e collection
tox -e qemu -- --image-name fedora-36 --collection .tox/ansible_collections/fedora/linux-system-roles/tests/ROLE/tests_default.yml

The config file looks like this:

    "images": [
      "name": "fedora-36",
      "compose": "",
      "setup": [
          "name": "Enable HA repos",
          "hosts": "all",
          "become": true,
          "gather_facts": false,
          "tasks": [
            { "name": "Enable HA repos",
              "command": "dnf config-manager --set-enabled ha"


tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.16 -- --image-name fedora-36 tests/tests_default.yml

This will lookup fedora-36 in your ~/.config/linux-system-roles.json, will check if it needs to download a new image to ~/.cache/linux-system-roles, will create a setup playbook based on the "setup" section in the config, and will run ansible-playbook with standard-inventory-qcow2 as the inventory script with tests/tests_default.yml.

The environment variables are useful for customizing in your local tox.ini. For example, if I want to use a custom location for my config and cache, and I do not want to use the profile_tasks plugin, I can do this:

setenv =
    LSR_QEMU_CONFIG = /home/username/myconfig.json
    LSR_QEMU_CACHE = /my/big/partition
    LSR_QEMU_PROFILE = false

batch-file, batch-report, batch-id

There are cases where you want to run several playbooks in the same running VM, but in multiple invocations of ansible-playbook. You can use --batch-file to run in this mode. The argument to --batch-file is a plain text file. Each line is an invocation of ansible-playbook. The contents of the line are the same as the command line arguments to runqemu. You can use almost all of the same command-line parameters. For example:

--log-file /path/to/test1.log --artifacts /path/to/test1-artifacts --setup-yml /path/to/setup-snapshot.yml --tests-dir /path/to/tests -e some_ansible_var="some ansible value" --batch-id tests_test1.yml --cleanup-yml restore.yml --cleanup-yml cleanup.yml -- _setup.yml save.yml /path/to/tests/tests_test1.yml
--log-file /path/to/test2.log --artifacts /path/to/test2-artifacts --setup-yml /path/to/setup-snapshot.yml --tests-dir /path/to/tests -e some_ansible_var="some ansible value" --batch-id tests_test2.yml --cleanup-yml restore.yml --cleanup-yml cleanup.yml -- _setup.yml save.yml /path/to/tests/tests_test2.yml

if you pass this as --batch-file this-file.txt it will start a VM and create an inventory, then run

ansible-playbook --inventory inventory -e some_ansible_var="some ansible value" -- _setup.yml save.yml /path/to/tests/tests_test1.yml --cleanup-yml restore.yml --cleanup-yml cleanup.yml >> /path/to/test1.log 2>&1
# artifacts such as default_provisioner.log and the vm logs will go to /path/to/test1-artifacts
ansible-playbook --inventory inventory -e some_ansible_var="some ansible value" -- _setup.yml save.yml /path/to/tests/tests_test2.yml --cleanup-yml restore.yml --cleanup-yml cleanup.yml >> /path/to/test2.log 2>&1
# artifacts such as default_provisioner.log and the vm logs will go to /path/to/test2-artifacts

then it will shutdown the VM. If you want to leave the VM running for debugging, use --debug in the last entry in the batch file e.g. --debug --log-file /path/to/testN.log ...

Use --make-batch to create a batch file using all of the files matching tests/tests_*.yml, and run the tests. This will create the files batch.txt and in the current directory. tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.15 -- --image-name centos-9 --log-level debug --make-batch -- You must specify the trailing -- on the command line to tell runqemu that there are no more arguments. You can then edit the batch.txt file to remove files, change arguments, etc. and re-run using --batch-file batch.txt.

Only the following runqemu arguments are supported in batch files: --log-file, --artifacts, --setup-yml, --tests-dir, --cleanup-yml, and --debug (only on last line). In addition, there is an argument used only in batch files - --batch-id - which you can use as an identifier to correlate lines in your batch file with the corresponding line in your batch report file. You can use many/most ansible-playbook arguments. Arguments passed in on the runqemu command line will be the default values. Specifying arguments in the batch file will override the runqemu command line arguments. NOTE: With batch file, you can use runqemu without providing any playbooks on the command line. However, if you want to provide Ansible arguments on the runqemu command line, you will need to add -- to the end of the runqemu command line, because runqemu cannot tell the difference between an Ansible argument and a playbook. Also, it is recommended to put any Ansible arguments after any runqemu arguments. Example: --log-level info --batch-file batch.txt --batch-report report.txt \
  --skip-tags tests::nvme --

Since --skip-tags is an Ansible argument, it should come last, and it must be followed by --.

runqemu will run ALL lines specified in the file, and will exit with an error code at the end if ANY of the invocations had an error. If you want to know exactly which tests succeeded and failed, and the exit code from each test, specify --batch-report /path/to/file.txt. Each line of this file will contain the following in this order:

Ansible Vault support

If you want to test using variables encrypted with Ansible Vault do the following:

There may be some tests that you want to run without the variable being defined. For example, there are some roles that always require a password to be provided by the user, and some tests want to check the failure mode if there is no password. That is, you want to provide an encrypted password for all tests except certain ones. In that case, create the file tests/no-vault-variables.txt containing the basename of the tests you want to skip, one per line. For example, if you want to run all tests except tests_a.yml and tests_b.yml with the encrypted passwords, create the file tests/no-vault-variables.txt like this:


Then you can run tox -e qemu-... -- tests/tests_a.yml and the vault encrypted variables will not be defined.

RHEL/CentOS-6 managed host support

The native version of Python on RHEL 6 is 2.6. The last ansible supporting Python2.6 is 2.12. So, to execute runqemu against RHEL/CentOS-6 managed host, please specify qemu-ansible-core-2.12 as follows. You will also need to add --ssh-el6 if you are using a newer EL9 or Fedora control node, or some other system which uses "modern" crypto and needs to use old, deprecated crypto to talk to EL6.

tox -e "$ansible_core" -- --image-name rhel-6 --ssh-el6 -- test_playbook.yml

Alternatively, following is the command line to run directly. This command line allows you to use python2, which is useful if ansible 2.9 is installed on the control host. Please note that the standard-inventory-qcow2 is supposed to be a python2 version.

python --config=NONE --cache=/path/to/cache_dir \
  --inventory=/usr/share/ansible/inventory/standard-inventory-qcow2 \
  --image-file=/path/to/cache_dir/RHEL_6_10_GA.qcow2 \
  --setup-yml=/path/to/cache_dir/_setup.yml --ssh-el6 \
  --artifacts=/path/to/artifacts --wait-on-qemu --log-level info \
  -- /path/to/cache_dir/_setup.yml test_playbook.yml

Older versions of would examine the --image-name or --image-file value to determine if the image is an EL6 image, but this is now deprecated. You must specify --ssh-el6 if you need it.

Building ostree images

Requirements: You will need to install the following packages to build and run: osbuild-ostree osbuild-tools edk2-ovmf

tox-lsr can build images for ostree. The /usr file system is read-only, which means the RPM packages and any other files in /usr must be provided when the image is built. This means that the system roles cannot actually manage (install, remove) packages on the system, they can only verify that the required packages are available. You can use -e build_ostree_image -- $image_name to build an ostree image for testing. If you want to build for an image that is not supported by tox-lsr, download the appropriate $image_name.ipp.yml into your ~/.config directory. The image will be available as ~/.cache/linux-system-roles/$image_name-ostree.qcow2 You can test with the image like this:

TEST_USE_OVMF=true tox -e qemu-ansible-core-2.15 -- \
  --image-file ~/.cache/linux-system-roles/fedora-38-ostree.qcow2 \
  --log-level debug tests/tests_default.yml

Using a VM to build ostree images

One of the issues with building ostree images is that you cannot (generally) build an image for a later release on an earlier OS. For example, you cannot build a centos-9 image on a centos-8 machine, or if you can, it might not work properly. tox-lsr provides the ability to use an intermediate VM to build the later VM. You can use one of these environment variables:


LSR_BUILD_IMAGE_USE_VM=true tox -e build_ostree_image -- centos-9

Will create a VM based on the default osbuildvm.mpp.yml, and use that to build the centos-9 image.

LSR_BUILD_IMAGE_VM_DISTRO_FILE=/path/to/my/osbuildvm.mpp.yml tox -e build_ostree_image -- centos-9

Will create a VM based on the given osbuildvm.mpp.yml, and use that to build the centos-9 image.

.ostree directory

build_ostree_image uses the role .ostree directory to determine which packages to build into the image.

Container testing

Integration tests can be run using containers. tox will start one or more containers for the managed nodes using podman and the Ansible podman connection plugin. There are some test envs that can be used to run these tests:

These tests run in one of two modes, depending on which of the following arguments you provide. Note that you must use -- on the command line after the -e container-ansible-2.9 or -e container-ansible-core-2.x so that tox will not attempt to interpret these as tox arguments:

tox -e container-ansible-core-2.15 -- --image-name fedora-36 ...

You must provide --image-name.

The config file looks like this:

    "images": [
      "name": "centos-9",
      "centoshtml": "",
      "container": "",
      "setup": [
          "name": "Enable HA repos",
          "hosts": "all",
          "gather_facts": false,
          "tasks": [
            { "name": "Enable HA repos",
              "command": "dnf config-manager --set-enabled highavailability"


tox -e container-ansible-core-2.15 -- --image-name centos-9 tests/tests_default.yml

This will lookup centos-9 in your ~/.config/linux-system-roles.json, check if the local snapshot is more than CONTAINER_AGE hours old, if so will podman pull the "container" value, will create a local snapshot container of this, will create a setup playbook based on the "setup" section in the config, will save the snapshot and will run ansible-playbook with -c podman using the local snapshot with tests/tests_default.yml.

The environment variables are useful for customizing in your local tox.ini. For example, if I want to use a custom location for my config, and I do not want to use the profile_tasks plugin, I can do this:

setenv =
    LSR_QEMU_CONFIG = /home/username/myconfig.json
    LSR_QEMU_PROFILE = false

Parallel containers

By default, if you specify multiple playbooks, each one will be run sequentially in the same container by the same ansible-playbook command e.g. ansible-playbook -c podman test1.yml ... testN.yml. If you use --parallel M with M > 1 then tox will run each playbook separately in separate containers e.g.

{ podman run -d ...; ansible-playbook -c podman test1.yml; } &
{ podman run -d ...; ansible-playbook -c podman test2.yml; } &
{ podman run -d ...; ansible-playbook -c podman testN.yml; } &

The number M controls how many podman containers are running at a time. There seems to be a limitation on the number of containers that can be run at the same time. For example, if there are 10 test playbooks, and you use --parallel 3, then tox will run 3 containers at the same time. As soon as one completes, it will start another one, until there are 3 running, or there are no more playbooks to run.

NOTE: There seems to be a limitation on the number of containers that can be run in parallel. In testing on my Fedora 36 laptop with 8 processors and lots of RAM, I can only run 3 at a time - using 4 will cause the containers to fail with dbus errors - not sure what the issue is.