linux-test-project / lcov

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genhtml - file is not readable or doesn't exist error #242

Closed chris-wickens closed 9 months ago

chris-wickens commented 9 months ago

I've been seeing this issue on one of my Codemagic Mac M1 machines intermittently:

genhtml: WARNING: ('source') "/Users/builder/clone/packages/SF:/Users/builder/clone/apps/project_mobile/lib/app/am_app.dart" does not exist: No such file or directory (see --synthesize-missing option to work around) genhtml: ERROR: /Users/builder/clone/packages/SF:/Users/builder/clone/apps/project_mobile/lib/app/am_app.dart is not readable or doesn't exist. See the '--substitute' and '--synthesize-missing' genhtml options for methods to fix the missing path or ignore the problem.

The file does exist, and running the same build again led to the error magically disappearing. Running the command locally on my M1 macbook is worse - it fails every time, picking a random file to complain is missing.

genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html

Reading tracefile coverage/ Found 70 entries. Found common filename prefix "/Users/chriswickens/code/project-mobile-alt" Generating output. Processing file some_random_file.dart lines=22 hit=0 is not readable or doesn't exist. See the '--substitute' and '--synthesize-missing' genhtml options for methods to fix the missing path or ignore the problem.

It's not clear to me what could be causing this. Running genhtml with the --debug flag indicates the file is corrupt, but ignoring the package and corrupt errors gets me back to the same issue, and lcov viewer is happy to load it. I'm seeing this issue on the latest release and the master branch. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

henry2cox commented 9 months ago

Do you have a testcase that reproduces the issue (even intermittently?)

I had three other questions:

chris-wickens commented 9 months ago

Thanks for the quick response. No test case as of yet, I'll look at putting one together.

henry2cox commented 9 months ago

... that's likely being added by the script I used to merge multiple lcov files together

lcov -o -a -a -a 'glob*match*.info' ... can be used to merge info files (and might be safer).

Parallelism is disabled by default (--parallel 1) - so that's not it.

chris-wickens commented 9 months ago

Interesting, I didn't know about --add-tracefile. I'm using a Flutter monorepo setup with files spread across multiple directories, each file path is generated using only a partial path (from the root of the Flutter package the file resides in). When I run the aggregate command from the project root for each file the remainder of the file path (from the project root to the package root) is not prepended, so genhtml is unable to find the files and fails with the same error. I suspect the need to combine files that were generated with different working directories is why tools like combine_coverage exist, but perhaps you can clarify?

I managed to reproduce the issue on a smaller project using combine_coverage. The generated looks correct to me, but since it contains the full path you would need to regenerate it before you can run genhtml, e.g.

dart pub global activate combine_coverage
combine_coverage --repo-path=$(pwd)
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage_html/html

(Or you could just update the file paths manually)

I tried modifying to use relative paths but that didn't help. combine_coverage requires the full repo path to be specified so I'm assuming absolute paths are intended to work.

Reading tracefile coverage/
Found 2 entries.
Found common filename prefix "/Users/chriswickens/bugs/coverage_issue"
Generating output.
Processing file apps/coverage_issue/lib/main.dart
  lines=4 hit=2
 is not readable or doesn't exist. See the '--substitute' and '--synthesize-missing' genhtml options for methods to fix the missing path or ignore the problem.
henry2cox commented 9 months ago

I tried your example locally...but don't see a problem. Downloaded your project as zip, unzipped, then 'cd' into the 'coverage_issue-main' directory, then:

$ ~/work/lcov/bin/genhtml coverage/ -o foo --substitute "s#/Users/chriswickens/bugs/coverage_issue#\pwd`#" Reading tracefile coverage/ Found 2 entries. Found common filename prefix "/home/hcox/coverage_issue-main" Generating output. Processing file apps/coverage_issue/lib/main.dart lines=4 hit=2 Processing file packages/domain/lib/foo.dart lines=1 hit=1 Overall coverage rate: source files: 2 lines.......: 60.0% (3 of 5 lines) functions...: no data found `

My sandbox tool version contains a number of not-yet-pushed changes which may or may not affect what I see. With a bit of luck: the majority of those changes will be pushed "soon".

With respect to combine_coverage or lcov_viewer: I fear that I know nothing at all about either. My suspicion is that the former is merging subdirectory info data while appending parent directory prefixes - but I don't know that for a fact. (Something similar can be done with lcov --add-tracefile and --substitute - but it would take multiple steps.

henry2cox commented 9 months ago

forgot to mention that relative path is also supposed to work: $ ~/work/lcov/bin/genhtml coverage/ -o foo --substitute "s#/Users/chriswickens/bugs/coverage_issue/##" Reading tracefile coverage/ Found 2 entries. Found common filename prefix "/home/hcox/coverage_issue-main" Generating output. Processing file apps/coverage_issue/lib/main.dart lines=4 hit=2 Processing file packages/domain/lib/foo.dart lines=1 hit=1 Overall coverage rate: source files: 2 lines.......: 60.0% (3 of 5 lines) functions...: no data found

chris-wickens commented 9 months ago

Thanks for testing. I'm seeing the issue on my local machine and CI build, so perhaps there's a subtle issue with M1 Macs, wouldn't be the first time. Once your changes are pushed I'll give it another try. Appreciate your help!

henry2cox commented 9 months ago

Should be fixed in 23d166a1742 - pushed this morning. Please go ahead and close this issue if the fix seems sufficient. Thanks Henry

chris-wickens commented 9 months ago

That's fixed it on my local machine at least. Thanks Henry!