LCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running a particular test case. The extension consists of a set of Perl scripts which build on the textual GCOV output to implement the following enhanced functionality:
* HTML based output: coverage rates are additionally indicated using bar
graphs and specific colors.
* Support for large projects: overview pages allow quick browsing of
coverage data by providing a hierarchical directory structure
view, a flat list of all source files in the project, or a three-level
detail view: directory, file and source code view.
LCOV was initially designed to support Linux kernel coverage measurements, but works as well for coverage measurements on standard user space applications.
LCOV supports differential coverage, as well as date- and owner-binning. See: or for a detailed explanation of the concepts and several possible use models.
A video presentation of the basic ideas can be found at
In addition, several other features and capabilities have been added. See section 6, below, for a brief description - and also see the man pages and the test cases.
README - This README file CHANGES - List of changes between releases bin/lcov - Tool for capturing LCOV coverage data bin/genhtml - Tool for creating HTML output from LCOV data bin/gendesc - Tool for creating description files as used by genhtml bin/perl2lcov - Tool to translate Perl Devel::Cover data to lcov format bin/py2lcov - Tool to translate Python to lcov format bin/xml2lcov - Tool to translate Cobertura-like XML coverage data to lcov format bin/geninfo - Internal tool (creates LCOV data files) bin/genpng - Internal tool (creates png overviews of source files) lcovrc - LCOV configuration file man - Directory containing man pages for included tools example - Directory containing an example to demonstrate LCOV tests - Directory containing lcov regression tests Makefile - Makefile providing 'install' and 'uninstall' targets
The LCOV package is available as either RPM or tarball from:
To install the tarball, unpack it to a directory and run:
make install
Use Git for the most recent (but possibly unstable) version:
git clone
Change to the resulting lcov directory and type:
make install
The default install location is /usr/local. Note that you may need to have superuser permissions to write into system directories.
To install in a different location - for example, your home directory, run:
make PREFIX=$HOME/my_lcov install
your PREFIX should be an absolute path.
To run the LCOV regression test suite on your installation:
$ cp -r $LCOV_HOME/share/test path/to/myTestDir $ cd path/to/myTestDir $ make [COVERAGE=1]
If desired, you can collect coverage data for the LCOV module by setting the COVERAGE makefile variable. Note that the Devel::Cover package must be installed if COVERAGE is enabled or if you want to use the perl2lcov utility. To view the collected coverage information, point your browser to .../lcov_coverage/index.html after running the tests.
Note that the testcases are primarily intended to test LCOV functionality and not to be easily readable tutorial examples.
The lcov module is implemented primarily in Perl - and requires both a moderately up-to-date Perl installation and multiple Perl packages.
These perl packages include:
If your system is missing any of these, then you may be able to install them via:
$ perl -MCPAN -e 'install(
You will very likely need superuser access to be able to install Perl modules.
Some of the applications provided with the lcov module are written in Python - and may require additional Python packages. In particular, 'xlsxwriter' is required in order to generate any of the spreadsheet reports.
To measure Python code coverage, users will need Python packages:
In addition, contributors will need:
Your platform may support other mechanisms to install and/or update required packages.
Requirements: Follow the Linux kernel coverage setup instructions at:
As root, do the following:
a) Resetting counters
lcov --zerocounters
b) Capturing the current coverage state to a file
lcov --capture --output-file
c) Getting HTML output
Point the web browser of your choice to the resulting index.html file.
a) Capture current coverage state to a file:
i) C/C++ code:
Compile your program using the '--coverage' GCC or LLVM option. During linking, make sure to specify '--coverage':
$ gcc -o myTest --coverage simple.c
$ gcc -c file1.c file2.c ... --coverage
$ gcc -o myOtherTest --coverage file1.o file2.o ....
Run your testcase at least once:
$ path/to/my/testcase/myTest
Capture the current coverage state to a file:
$ lcov --directory path/to/my/testcase --capture --output-file
If you want to collect Modified Condition / Decision Coverage (MD/DC) date, then:
your lcov and genhtml command line must include flag '--mcdc-coverage' See the '--mcdc-coverage' section in the lcov and geninfo man pages.
Note that runtime coverage data exists only after the application has been started and stopped at least once. Otherwise, no data will be found and lcov will abort with an error mentioning that there are no data/.gcda files.
The coverage runtime emits data (the .gcda files) in an atexit callback. If your application exits abnormally or crashes before the callback is executed, then no coverage data will be available.
For further information on the gcc profiling mechanism, please consult the gcov man page.
See 'man lcov' for more information - especially if your build/test environment is not trivial.
ii) Python code:
install the module
execute your testcase to produce python coverage data:
$ COVERAGE_FILE=./pycov.dat coverage run --append --branch \ myPythonScript [my script args]
translate Python coverage data to LCOV format:
$ py2lcov -o [py2lcov_options] pycov.dat [x.dat]+
See 'py2lcov --help' and the documentation for more information.
iii) Perl code:
install the Devel::Cover module
execute your testcase to produce perl coverage data:
$ perl -MDevel::Cover=-db,perlcov_db,-coverage,statement,branch,condition,subroutine,-silent,1 [my script args]
translate Perl coverage data to LCOV format:
$ perl2lcov --output perlcov_db [perl2lcov options]
See 'perl2lcov --help' and the Devel::Cover documentation for more information.
iv) XML data (for example, generated by Cobertura):
translate XM coverage data to LCOV format:
$ xml2lcov --output coverage.xml [xml2lcov options]
See 'xml2lcov --help' and the Cobertura documentation for more information.
b) Generate an HTML coverage report:
Generate an HTML report, combining all of your LCOV data files:
$ genhtml -o html_report
Point the web browser of your choice to the resulting file: html_report/index.html.
See 'man genhtml' for more details.
c) Generate a differential coverage report:
See the example in .../example (run "make test_differential") as well as the examples in .../tests/gendiffcov.
New features and capabilities fall into 7 major categories:
a) Categorization
This refers primarily to differential coverage categorization as
well as date- and owner-binning. See
or for a detailed
description of the concepts.
Differential categorization and binning are orthogonal in the sense
that you can generate differential report without binning as well
as 'vanilla' coverage reports with binning. See the above papers
and the genhtml man page for details.
Related options:
--baseline-file, --diff-file, --annotate-script, --select-script
--date-bins, --new-file-as-baseline, --elide-path-mismatch
b) Error handling
A generic - but very simple - error handler has been added to the
lcov tool suite. The error handler is used to report exceptions,
and provides a mechanism for the user to ignore the particular
message if desired. Note that ignoring certain errors can cause
subsequent errors and/or can result in inconsistent or confusing
coverage reports.
See the genhtml/lcov/geninfo man pages for details.
Note that some errors are unrecoverable - and cannot be suppressed or
Related options:
--ignore-error, --expect-message-count, --keep-going, --msg-log
c) Navigation and display:
Navigation aids such as hyperlinks to the first uncovered region,
to the next uncovered region, etc. have been implemented. Similarly,
new tables, new columns, and new links between tables enable the
user to identify the author of particular code (covered or not
covered), as well as the time period when the code was written.
Collectively, these features help the user to quickly identify the
cause of code coverage issues, and to then decide what to do.
An option to generate a 'hierarchical' coverage report (which follows
the source code directory structure) or 'flat' (all files in top level
of two-level report) as well as various other small features (tooltip
popups, user-specified HTML header, footer, and table labels, etc.) are
also available.
See the genhtml man page for some details, as well as the
'gendiffcov/simple' testcases for some examples.
Related options:
--baseline-title, --baseline-date, --current-date,
--flat, --hierarchical,
--show-owners, --show-noncode, --show-navigation, --show-proportion,
d) Data manipulation
Filters are used to suppress or remove certain coverage artifacts -
for example, branches generated by the compiler (e.g., for exception
handling). These artifacts can overwhelm the user code and obscure
coverage features that are interesting to the user.
Other options are used to focus on or to exclude certain sections
of code, as well as to do regexp replacement of file names - possibly
using case-insensitive comparison.
(Path munging is useful primarily when the build structure does
not exactly match the layout in your revision control system; this
is common in large projects with reusable components.)
During coverage data capture, the --build-directory option can be used
to specify a search path, to find the .gcno (compile-time coverage data)
file corresponding to a particular .gcda runtime coverage data) file.
Similarly, the --source-directory pption can be used to specify a
search path for source files.
See the lcov/geninfo/genhtml man pages for a detailed description of
the available filters and manipulation features.
Related options:
--include, --exclude, --erase-functions, --omit-lines,
--substitute, --filter
--build-directory --source-directory
e) Callbacks/customization
The user can supply callbacks which are used to:
i) interface with the revision control system
Sample scripts:
- Perforce: see 'p4diff' and 'p4annotate'
- Git: see 'gitdiff' and 'gitblame'
ii) verify that source code versions are compatible, and
Sample scripts: see 'get_signature', 'getp4version'
and 'gitversion'
iii) enforce a desired code coverage criteria
Sample script: criteria
iv) find source files in more complicated environments - where
simple substitutions become complicated or unweildy.
v) select a subset of coverage data to display - e.g., to
use in a code review which wants to concentrate on only
the changes caused by a particular commit or range of commits.
vi) keep track of environment and other settings - to aid
infrastructure debugging in more complicated use cases.
The callback may be any desired script or executable - but there
may be performance advantages if it is written as a Perl module.
See the genhtml/lcov/geninfo man pages for details.
Note that the various sample scripts are found in the source code
'scripts' directory, but are installed in the
$LCOV_HOME/share/lcov/support-scripts directory of the release.
Related options:
--annotate-script, --criteria-script, --version-script
--resolve-script, --select-script, --context-script
f) Performance
lcov/genhtml/geninfo have been refactored to parallelize computation
across multiple cores, if requested.
In general, this provides speedup that is nearly linear in the number
of cores.
There is also an option to throttle parallelism to not exceed peak
memory consumption constraints, as well as options to enable simple
profile data collection - so you can see where time is going and
thus to hint at potential optimizations. The ''
script can be used to view generated profile data.
There are several configuration file options which can be used to
tweak certain parallelization parameters to optimize performance
for your environment in cases that the default behaviour is suboptimal.
See the lcovrc man page for more information.
See the genhtml/lcov/geninfo man pages for details
Related options: --parallel, --memory, --profile
g) Language support
Added 'py2lcov', 'perl2lcov' and 'xml2lcov' scripts.
- py2lcov:
translates python XML data to lcov format.
See the documentation at,
as well as ".../py2lcov --help"
- perl2lcov
translates Perl Devel::Cover data to lcov format.
See the Devel::Cover documentation at
to find out how to generate coverage data for Perl code.
See "perl2lcov --help" for brief instructions on how to
use the translator.
Note that perl2lcov uses a similar set of command line and
config file options as lcov, genhtml, and geninfo.
- xml2lcov
translates XML coverage data to lcov format.
The XML data may come from Cobertura or similar tools.
See "xml2lcov --help" fir brief instructions on how to use
the translator.
See the Coburtura documention for directions on how to
generate XML data.
Other languages can be integrated using a similar approach.
In general, the new features and options are implemented uniformly in lcov, genhtml, and geninfo. Most of the features can be enabled/disabled using either command line options or by setting defaults in your 'lcovrc' file. See the lcovrc man page for details.
See the included man pages for more information on how to use the LCOV tools.
In case of further questions, feel free to open a new issue using the issue tracker on the LCOV code repository site at:
Before filing a new issue - and if you are using an LCOV release (as opposed to using a clone of the github repo) - please verify whether the issue is still present in the LCOV master version. See section 2, above for directions on how to clone and install the most up-to-date LCOV version.
If possible, please include a testcase which illustrates the problem when you file an issue. Please describe your environment (platform, compiler, perl, and python versions, etc.). Please include a detailed description of the issue: what you were trying to do (your goal - not the mechanics of your procedure), what you did (the mechanics of your procedure), the result you wanted to see vs. what actually happened. Depending on the issue, your testcase may need to include source code and compile/link command lines, directions for how to run your example, the command lines used to capture and generate your lcov reports, etc. In other cases, the captured '.info' files may be sufficient to reproduce the issue. When in doubt: more is better than less.
If you cannot include a testcase - e.g., because you feel that it is senstitive or proprietary - then your detailed description is even more important. Note that, without an example, it may be difficult or impossible to diagnose or fix the problem.
Bear in mind that you are asking for help from volunteers. Your priority might not be their priority. Civility, consideration and politeness go a long way.
Please check back and to verify the fix and close the issue once it has been addressed. Again: remember that you are asking for help from volunteers. Make sure that you are doing your part.