linux-test-project / lcov

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Error when installing from homebrew #256

Closed chris-wickens closed 6 months ago

chris-wickens commented 6 months ago

My CI build just started getting an error when running brew install --HEAD lcov which I imagine relates to the batch of commits pushed to master about an hour ago.

Is it possible to get a release of the last few months' changes so we can have a stable version to install via homebrew? Specifically I need this commit:

Error details:

brew install --HEAD lcov Running `brew update --auto-update`... ==> Downloading ######################################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0% ==> Pouring portable-ruby-3.1.4.arm64_big_sur.bottle.tar.gz ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! Updated 4 taps (dart-lang/dart, leoafarias/fvm, homebrew/core and homebrew/cask). ==> New Formulae abi3audit dalfox leoafarias/fvm/fvm@3.0.0-beta.2 python-abseil python-pathspec shell2http action-validator dcp leoafarias/fvm/fvm@3.0.0-beta.3 python-anytree python-pbr shellspec ain der-ascii leoafarias/fvm/fvm@3.0.0-beta.4 python-argcomplete python-platformdirs sigma-cli ali dezoomify-rs leoafarias/fvm/fvm@3.0.0-beta.5 python-asn1crypto python-pluggy signmykey amass dicebear libconfini python-attrs python-ply sigstore ansible@8 diffoci libcyaml python-boto3 python-prompt-toolkit skate apkleaks direwolf libdicom python-botocore python-psutil sloth appstream dockerfile-language-server libdpp python-brotli python-regex smlfmt argc dockly libjuice python-cachetools python-requests snakeviz asitop doppler libnghttp3 python-chardet python-requests-oauthlib snyk-cli auditwheel drogon libsail python-charset-normalizer python-rich solo2-cli authz0 eatmemory mariadb@11.1 python-cli-helpers python-s3transfer spglib awscli-local faircamp mediamtx python-colorama python-setuptools spicetify-cli badkeys favirecon memray python-configargparse python-setuptools-scm spidermonkey@91 bandicoot flyscrape mentat python-configobj python-sympy sqlfmt bao frozen minder python-cycler python-termcolor squealer bashunit gdrive@2 modsurfer python-dateutil python-tk@3.12 squiid biodiff geoip2fast netlistsvg python-dicttoxml python-trove-classifiers ssh-mitm bkcrack ghc@9.4 node@20 python-distlib python-urllib3 sshportal bob ghc@9.6 noir python-distro python-wcwidth tailspin bomber git-mediate nvimpager python-docopt python-websocket-client telegram-downloader bounceback gitsign ocaml@4 python-filelock python-xlsxwriter terraform-local bozohttpd gittuf onionprobe python-gdbm@3.12 python@3.12 texttest build2 glbinding@2 open-simh python-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme qbittorrent-cli three-body cargo-sweep goresym opentofu python-hatch-vcs rapidfuzz-cpp tlrc cariddi gossip orbuculum python-hatchling raven trafilatura certgraph gotpm orogene python-idna rdap uvicorn certsync gptline osctrl-cli python-jinja redress vet cf2tf graphqlviz oslo python-jmespath redwax-tool virtctl cfripper haiti pan python-json5 reflex vulsio-gost chainloop-cli immer patat python-kiwisolver regclient whisper-cpp chainsaw incus patch-package python-magic rekor-cli witness changie instaloader pciutils python-mako retire wormhole-william cherrybomb intercept pdfalyzer python-markdown-it-py retry xeol chisel-tunnel invoice pdfrip python-matplotlib richgo xnvme cidr jprq perl-xml-parser python-mdurl ruler yatas cliam jupyter-r php@8.2 python-mpmath saf-cli zix cloudsplaining karmadactl phylum-cli python-msgpack scarb zug crunchy-cli kew pmix python-networkx scikit-image csprecon lager presenterm python-oauthlib scilla daktilo leoafarias/fvm/fvm@3.0.0-beta.1 pter python-openapi3 scoutsuite ==> New Casks affine codewhisperer fossa keymapp music-decoy paulxstretch telegram-a amie commandpost free-podcast-transcription kuaitie navigraph-charts proton-drive timemachinestatus anka-build-cloud-controller deskpad garmin-basecamp libndi navigraph-simlink rode-central to-audio-converter anka-build-cloud-registry deveco-studio greenery low-profile notes-better routine truhu batchoutput-pdf devtunnel gstreamer-development macgpt nvs screens-assist tunetag bezel douyin-chat gstreamer-runtime mdb-accdb-viewer nx-studio senabluetoothdevicemanager vimcal brickstore dropbox-dash hapigo mediamate october sf wave brightintosh ecodms-client hides metamer ok-json simplex wiso-steuer-2024 btp effect-house hoppscotch mindmac orka3 songkong writerside cardo-update finbar hp-easy-admin mitmproxy ovito space-capsule xliff-editor clibor focusrite-control-2 jazz2-resurrection modrinth ovito-pro spacedrive xsplit-vcam You have 29 outdated formulae installed. ==> Fetching lcov ==> Downloading ######################################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0% ==> Downloading ######################################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0% ==> Downloading ######################################################################################################################################################################################################### 100.0% ==> Cloning Cloning into '/Users/chriswickens/Library/Caches/Homebrew/lcov--git'... ==> Checking out branch master Already on 'master' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. ==> perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/lcov/HEAD-d97b0ee_1/libexec ==> make ==> make install ==> perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/lcov/HEAD-d97b0ee_1/libexec ==> make ==> make install ==> make PREFIX=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/lcov/HEAD-d97b0ee_1 BIN_DIR=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/lcov/HEAD-d97b0ee_1/bin MAN_DIR=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/lcov/HEAD-d97b0ee_1/share/man install Last 15 lines from /Users/chriswickens/Library/Logs/Homebrew/lcov/07.make: install: /lcov: Operation not permitted Error: cannot stat /lcov: No such file or directory INSTALL /genhtml install: /genhtml: Operation not permitted Error: cannot stat /genhtml: No such file or directory INSTALL /geninfo install: /geninfo: Operation not permitted Error: cannot stat /geninfo: No such file or directory INSTALL /genpng install: /genpng: Operation not permitted Error: cannot stat /genpng: No such file or directory INSTALL /gendesc install: /gendesc: Operation not permitted Error: cannot stat /gendesc: No such file or directory make: *** [install] Error 2 READ THIS: lcov's formula was built from an unstable upstream --HEAD. This build failure is expected behaviour. Do not create issues about this on Homebrew's GitHub repositories. Any opened issues will be immediately closed without response. Do not ask for help from Homebrew or its maintainers on social media. You may ask for help in Homebrew's discussions but are unlikely to receive a response. Try to figure out the problem yourself and submit a fix as a pull request. We will review it but may or may not accept it.
henry2cox commented 6 months ago

Sorry about that. Unsuccessfully juggling too much. Ought to be fixed in 79e574b2bbf432

henry2cox commented 6 months ago

With respect to release: will let Peter comment. Henry

chris-wickens commented 6 months ago

That's fixed, thanks Henry.

henry2cox commented 6 months ago

As my high school shop teacher used to say: He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing at all.

But sorry about the bug.

henry2cox commented 6 months ago

I'm going to go ahead and close this as I think the proximate issue is fixed. If there is still a problem - please reopen this issue or file a new one. If it all posible, please provide a testcase which illustrates the problem - e.g., the command line above helped a lot :-) Thanks