linux-test-project / lcov

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lcov does not report files with 0% coverage #263

Closed hramrach closed 4 months ago

hramrach commented 5 months ago

If a piece of code is not executed there is no .gcda file.

This means that the coverage is 0% but the file is not included in the report at all.

henry2cox commented 5 months ago

Yes. You got it. If your executable is not executed at least once - then no .gcda files (runtime coverage information) are generated, and there is nothing for lcov to report. Similarly, if your object file is not included in your executable (...the linker discovered it was not needed) - then there will be no data produced for that compilation unit.

This isn't a bug; this is how the coverage tools work. I'm not quite sure what you would like to see happen.

You can try the lcov --initial flag which will try to process the .gcno files (compile time coverage data) - and will mark all coverpoints as 'not hit'. I can't remember if this is supported for only certain gcc/llvm versions.

hramrach commented 5 months ago

This isn't a bug; this is how the coverage tools work. I'm not quite sure what you would like to see happen.

To report the test coverage. In particular to not inflate the coverage numbers by auto-excluding files not tested at all.

You can try the lcov --initial flag which will try to process the .gcno files (compile time coverage data) - and will mark all coverpoints as 'not hit'. I can't remember if this is supported for only certain gcc/llvm versions.

It does list all the files but does not make any difference. Perhaps at the capture time the captured data overwrites the initial data unless some other special option is used.

In any case all this sounds quite redundant. The gcno files do not go anywhere, they are still there for the capture step, except lcov is like "I know this file was not tested but I will not include in the report because I feel like it". There are options to exclude files that are intentionally not tested, I don't see any need for this auto-exclude of files that were not tested, perhaps by accident or test design problem.

henry2cox commented 5 months ago

Two suggestions:

You can also take a look at llvm-cov - and see if its lcov-format output contains what you want. Once again, though: I suspect that, if you code is not linked into your executable and/or your executable is not run at least once, then you will not see data related to the unused code.

hramrach commented 5 months ago

cat a.c

int main() {
    return 0;

ln -s a.c b.c gcc -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage a.c -o a gcc -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage b.c -o b ./a lcov --capture --branch-coverage --base $(pwd) --no-external --directory . --output-file

geninfo cmd: '/usr/bin/geninfo . --output-filename --base-directory /home/hramrach/test --no-external --memory 0 --branch-coverage'
Found gcov version: 7.5.0
Using intermediate gcov format
Writing temporary data to /tmp/geninfo_datdan9
Scanning . for .gcda files ...
Found 1 data files in .
Processing ./a.gcda
Finished .info-file creation

lcov --capture --initial --branch-coverage --base $(pwd) --no-external --directory . --output-file

Found gcov version: 7.5.0
Using intermediate gcov format
Writing temporary data to /tmp/geninfo_datJ1JU
Scanning . for .gcno files ...
Found 2 graph files in .
Processing ./a.gcno
Processing ./b.gcno
Finished .info-file creation

lcov --branch-coverage --add-tracefile --add-tracefile --output-file

Combining tracefiles.
.. found 2 files to aggregate.
Merging remaining
Merging remaining
Writing data to
Summary coverage rate:
  lines......: 50.0% (2 of 4 lines)
  functions..: 50.0% (1 of 2 functions)
  branches...: no data found

lcov --list

           |Lines       |Functions  |Branches    
Filename    |Rate     Num|Rate    Num|Rate     Num
a.c         |50.0%      2| 0.0%     1|    -      0
      Total:|50.0%      2| 0.0%     1|    -      0

lcov --list

            |Lines       |Functions  |Branches    
Filename    |Rate     Num|Rate    Num|Rate     Num
a.c         |    -      0|    -     0|    -      0
b.c         |    -      0|    -     0|    -      0
      Total:|    -      0|    -     0|    -      0

lcov --list

            |Lines       |Functions  |Branches    
Filename    |Rate     Num|Rate    Num|Rate     Num
a.c         |50.0%      2| 0.0%     1|    -      0
b.c         |    -      0|    -     0|    -      0
      Total:| 100%      2| 0.0%     1|    -      0

The gcno file is right there, it does not go anywhere but is ignored by capture unless --initial is specified, forcing additional capture and merge steps, for no apparent reason.

lcov 2.0

henry2cox commented 5 months ago

As it turns out, while your interpersonal skills are a bit weak, your suggestion is a reasonable one. I went ahead and implemented it - though perhaps not exactly as you want:

I am not entirely certain that I have tested all possible error combinations.

This should slightly simply the use model in cases that you really want to capture otherwise unused code, while not breaking any existing usage.

I will push the enhancement next week or the week after.

hramrach commented 5 months ago

That sounds reasonable, thanks

henry2cox commented 4 months ago

Enhancement should be available in f9b156155.

Please go ahead and close the issue if this indeed solves the problem. If not: please include a detailed description of the issue, and include a testcase which illustrates the bug. Thanks Henry

hramrach commented 4 months ago

Looks reasonable, thanks.