linux-test-project / lcov

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lcov fails with gcc 14 #296

Open Klaus33333 opened 1 month ago

Klaus33333 commented 1 month ago

I tried to run my coverage reports and got the following errors:

lcov --gcov-tool gcov --base-directory . --directory ./build/ --directory ./ -c -o ./build/ Capturing coverage data from ./build/ ./ geninfo cmd: '/usr/bin/geninfo ./build/ ./ --output-filename ./build/ --gcov-tool gcov --base-directory . --memory 0' geninfo: WARNING: Duplicate specification "base-directory|b=s" for option "b" Found gcov version: 14.1.1 Using intermediate gcov format Writing temporary data to /tmp/geninfo_datG4GC Scanning ./build/ for .gcda files ... Found 31 data files in ./build/

Processing ./build/file1.gcda geninfo: WARNING: /file1.c:2811: unexecuted block on non-branch line with non-zero hit count. Use "geninfo --rc geninfo_unexecuted_blocks=1 to set count to zero. Processing ./build/build-utradgw-std-rsysg-nomemdbg-o2-dynamic-cov/test1.gcda geninfo: WARNING: /usr/include/c++/14/bits/stl_iterator_base_funcs.h:100: unexecuted block on non-branch line with non-zero hit count. Use "geninfo --rc geninfo_unexecuted_blocks=1 to set count to zero. (use "geninfo --ignore-errors gcov,gcov ..." to suppress this warning) geninfo: ERROR: mismatched end line for _ZN17TEST1_SUITE1_Test8TestBodyEv at /home/krud/git_my_checkout/rrs/radgw/test1.cpp:9: 9 -> 19 (use "geninfo --ignore-errors mismatch ..." to bypass this error)

I found some similar report in this mailing archive:

Do I have any chance of a workaround or even better a fix :-)


henry2cox commented 1 month ago

I fear that I'm not entirely sure which fixes/workarounds you are looking for. It appears that we see two different errors/inconsistencies in the gcov data for this testcase:

  1. function _ZN17TEST1_SUITE1_Test8TestBodyEv is found to end on line .../test1.cpp:9 in one GCDA file but is found to end on line 19 in another file. This appears to be a bug in gcov (or in gcc) which turns up sometimes (...which is why lcov checks for it). lcov uses the function range to figure out which coverpoints belong to the function, in order to support function-level exclusion and also to report covered proportions. You can safely ignore the error if you don't care about those features. To work around it is a bit painful - as you would have to manually fix the start/end lines (e.g., via sed on the data file)...or possibly someone can fix it in gcc/gcov.

    1. The gcov output data is not consistent at line file1.c:2811. I fear that I have forgotten the details, but the comment near line geninfo:2324 suggests that the report will look weird because we will see a block inside some conditional (say, the 'if' clause) such that the 'if' expression is not evaluated but the statement is hit. The suggested workaround is to tell geninfo to set the block hit count to zero when that happens (or gcc/gcov need to fix the bug). To see how the second issue affects your coverage report: capture your coverage data twice - once setting the count and once without, then generate a differential coverage report (genhtml -o whatTheHeck --baseline-file ...) and inspect the differences.