linuxdotexe / nordic-wallpapers

A collection of wallpapers that go well with the rices inspired by the Nord Colorscheme. Made with ImageGoNord by Schrödinger Hat.
MIT License
1.39k stars 87 forks source link
aesthetics nord nordic ricing unixporn wallpapers

Nordic Wallpapers

A collection of wallpapers cherry picked from reddit, unsplash, Christian Chiarulli's discord server, wallhaven and ThePrimeagen's wallpaper repository. Ferrari Las Vegas F1 Pictures. Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers. Most of 'em "norded" through ImageGoNord website from Schrödinger-Hat.

Previews of the wallpapers can be seen in here.

Previews of the dynamic-wallpapers can be seen in here.

Here is an example

This is the original image and this is the result after being processed by ImageGoNord.

Made with ImageGoNord

I found this project ImageGoNord and I absolutely loved it. I started making all the wallpapers I liked to match my WM's colorscheme. I then thought I should make this a collection for others to use too since there are many ricing enthusiasts around the world. This could not have been possible without the ImageGoNord project by Schrödinger Hat. You can sponser this open-source project through the following links:


Converting images with ImageGoNord

Images can be converted in bulk using Just change the input and destinations folders.


This repo is not inactive. I ran out of wallpapers and waiting for pull requests until I find new wallpapers😬


For Arch Linux User, you can just install these wallpapers via AUR.

paru -S nordic-wallpapers

You can find these wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds/nordic-wallpapers/.

Thanks to all the contributors :)