linuxha / SmallC68

FLEX 6800 Small C compiler
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
12 stars 2 forks source link

SmallC68XX - Small C for the Motorola 68XX family under Linux

I am on a quest for a Small C compiler to support the various 6800/6803/6809/68000 boards I have. So with that in mind I am posting my notes and everything else I find on Small C. So for a while this will be quite a mess.

Ron Cain's 1.1 Small C compiler for the 6800, 6801, 6803 and 6809. Maybe the 68HC11. The original Author of the Flex port is S. Stepanoff

Originally these were Flex OS Compilers but I think I can make this work under Linux and the output code should be OS agnotic. My intention is to set them up to work on Linux as a cross-compiler.


There are currently 3 sets of source code for the Small C compiler. The 6800 version (a C to peudo code compiler), the silifen version (looks like a C to asm code compiler), and the v22 version (MSDOS C to executable).

6800/ ..... Early version of the Flex OS Small C compiler (very limitted, v1.1 1982)
silifen/ .. Later version of the Flex OS Small C compiler (has for(), etc v2.1 1985)
v22/ ...... MSDOS version of the Small C compiler (v2.2, outputs 8086 code)
MicroC/ ... Dave Dunfield's Micro C (CUG422_* DOS Binaries)
LICENSE ... Proposed License (I may need to change this)
Makefile .. Ignore this, make files have moved their respective directories . This file
ccint.txt . Ignore this file (Small C interpreter used in 6800 version)

After reading and poking around the Flex Small C Compiler DSK images I've guessed that these are Ron Cain's Small C V1.1 compiler and that the runXX (00,01,09) are the runtime files that take the psuedo code and make it understandable (assemble) under Flex.

The ccx.c files is the smallc.c file broken into 9 sections so the small C compiler can compile itself on Flex. Since I'll be using Linux to cross compile. I'll not include this files.


The important file is smallc.c, that's my starting point. The p.c file is a C pre-processor. I'm not sure if I'll use it but decided to keep it here for now. The rest of the files are files needed to assemble the psuedo code generated by the small C compiler. At this time I'm not sure which is which. I'll work on that.


2023/02/04 - I've got the compiler hacked together and mostly working. What I've found is that the small c compiler outputs pseudo code and that the run9 (6809) and run1 (6801) code are the asm source to an interpreter. Assemble the code together and you have a program. This small C compiler is still quite limitted but may be useful and as one of the notes files points out C is easier to write than asm code. Anyway I'm posting this mess so I don't lose it and so other might get ideas. Just note that this is terrible C code. It was meant to use the very limmited small c compiler to compile itself. I'm in the process of making it work under Linux as a cross compiler for any of the Motorola preocessors. It will no longer compiler itself.

2024/05/19 - I've added more debugging to the Small C compiler and I've written an Alpha version of therun0.asm (6800 version). I haven't tested it yet.

Understanding so far (Operation)

Okay I'm getting a better grasp of the Small C Byte compiler. It appears The Small C compiler sees the CPU as a virtual CPU with a 16 bit register, A 16 bit wide stack. There are about 42 pseudo-op codes. You write the libraries and 'micro code' in the assembly language of your choice. If you include the run9.asm (6809) at the start of your C code the compiler will include that into the output. The run9.asm contains the init code, the interpreter, the 'micro-code' and the point where the interpreted code starts. The compiler then adds the byte codes and FCB, FDB, etc. So one nice assembly file. You then assemble the code.

The (byte code) interpreter treats the bytes as assembly language and looks up the byte code in a jump table (at least for the 68xx processors). And runs that code, the returns to the interpreter when done. Here I've removed the asm library (printf, puts, gets etc.) and the interpreter except for the jump table. After the jump table would be the 'micro-code' followed bu the C byte code (I've trimmed it to just the main() section).

:* Jump table from interpreter code, second #xx is the Small C vop-code
JTABLE  FDB     LD1IM           ;*  #0  #0
        FDB     LD1SOFF         ;*  #1  #2
        FDB     LD1             ;*  #2  #4
        FDB     LDB1            ;*  #3  #6
        FDB     LD1R            ;*  #4  #8
        FDB     LDB1R           ;*  #5  #10
        FDB     ST1             ;*  #6  #12
        FDB     STB1            ;*  #7  #14
        FDB     ST1SP           ;*  #8  #16
        FDB     STB1SP          ;*  #9  #18
        FDB     PUSHR1          ;*  #10 #20
        FDB     EXG1            ;*  #11 #22
        FDB     JMPL            ;*  #12 #24
        FDB     BRZL            ;*  #13 #26
        FDB     JSRL            ;*  #14 #28
        FDB     JSRSP           ;*  #15 #30
        FDB     RTSC            ;*  #16 #32
        FDB     MODSP           ;*  #17 #34
        FDB     DBL1            ;*  #18 #36
        FDB     ADDS            ;*  #19 #38
        FDB     SUBFST          ;*  #20 #40
        FDB     MUL1            ;*  #21 #42
        FDB     DIV1            ;*  #22 #44
        FDB     MOD             ;*  #23 #46
        FDB     ORS             ;*  #24 #48
        FDB     XORS            ;*  #25 #50
        FDB     ANDS            ;*  #26 #52
        FDB     ASRS            ;*  #27 #54
        FDB     ASLS            ;*  #28 #56
        FDB     NEGR            ;*  #29 #58
        FDB     NOTR            ;*  #30 #60
        FDB     INCR            ;*  #31 #62
        FDB     DECR            ;*  #32 #64
        FDB     ZEQ             ;*  #33 #66
        FDB     ZNE             ;*  #34 #68
        FDB     ZLT             ;*  #35 #70
        FDB     ZLE             ;*  #36 #72
        FDB     ZGT             ;*  #37 #74
        FDB     ZGE             ;*  #38 #76
        FDB     ULT             ;*  #39 #78
        FDB     ULE             ;*  #40 #80
        FDB     UGT             ;*  #41 #82
        FDB     UGE             ;*  #42 #84
        FDB     ASMC            ;*  #43 #86

Here's just the main() part compiled under Flex and Small C for the 6809:

*main(argc, argv)
*int  argc;
*char *argv[];
*    /* Let's cheat, @ thru DEL get 0110 knocked off */
*    /* so \@ (x40) becomes NULL (x00), A (x41) or a (x61) becomes ^A (x01), etc
* */
*    while (--argc > 0) {
    FCB     2       ;* LD1SOFF
    FDB     4       ;*
    FCB     20      ;* PUSHR1
    FCB     8       ;* LD1R
    FCB     64      ;* DECR
    FCB     16      ;* RTSC
    FCB     20      ;*
    FCB     0       ;*
    FDB     0       ;*
    FCB     74      ;*
    FCB     26      ;*
    FDB     cc7     ;*
*        ++argv;
    FCB     2       ;*
    FDB     2       ;*
    FCB     20      ;*
    FCB     8       ;*
    FCB     62      ;*
    FCB     16      ;*
*        print(*argv);           /* print the 'word' */
    FCB     2       ;*
    FDB     2       ;*
    FCB     8       ;*
    FCB     10      ;*
    FCB     20      ;*
    FCB     28      ;*
    FDB     print       ;*
    FCB     34      ;*
    FDB     2       ;*
*        putchar(' ');
    FCB     0       ;*
    FDB     32      ;*
    FCB     20      ;*
    FCB     28      ;*
    FDB     putchar     ;*
    FCB     34      ;*
    FDB     2       ;*
*    }
    FCB     24      ;*
    FDB     cc6     ;*
*    /* nl(); */
    FCB     32      ;*
*-*- mode: c-mode; -*-

* --- End of Compilation ---

Currently the Small C compiler I have under Linux has a few issues I need to work on.

Useful links: A Survey Of CUG C Compilers by Victor Volkman C Users' Group CDROM, September 1995 edition ASL Macro assembler A C compiler for the 6800/6803/6303 processors - 6809 Flex OS Emulator for Linux & Windows - Hackaday project

                      Summary of CUG C Compilers

                      Target      Implementation
 CUG     Target      Operating    Based on Port   Date of Last  Overall
Disk #    CPU         System          From          Revision    Rating

 104    Z-80/8080  CP/M 80 v2.2  RC Small C v1.1  06/28/1981    ***
 132    6809       0S-9          RC Small C v1.1  10/18/1983    **
 146    6800       FLEX v2.1     RC Small C v1.1  09/09/1982    **
 156    Z-80       CP/M          RC Small C v1.2  08/02/1984    ****
 163    8086       PC-DOS 1.1    JH Small C v2.0  01/14/1984    ***
 170    8086       PC-DOS 1.0    RC Small C v1.0  06/01/1982    *
 204    68000      Unix V        N/A              01/01/1986    ****
 221    6809       FLEX          RC Small C v1.0  11/15/1986    ***
 243    8086       PC-DOS 2.0    DECUS            12/01/1985    N/A


For the moment I've selected LGPL 2.1, I'm not certain I can do this as the previous programmers had different licenses. I'll adjust as needed.