linuxmint / cinnamon-spices-actions

Actions for the Cinnamon desktop
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Validate Spices

This repository hosts all the Actions available for the Cinnamon desktop environment.

Users can install Spices from the Cinnamon Spices website, or directly from within Cinnamon -> System Settings.



Each Spice is given a name which uniquely identifies them.

That name is their UUID and it is unique.


Each Spice has an author.

The GitHub username of the author is specified in the Spice's info.json file.

File Structure

A Spice can contain many files, but it should have the following file structure:

There are two important directories:

As you can see, the content of the Spice isn't placed inside UUID/files/ directly, but inside UUID/files/UUID/ instead. This guarantees files aren't extracted directly onto the file system, but placed in the proper UUID directory. The presence of this UUID directory, inside of files/ isn't actually needed by Cinnamon (as Cinnamon creates it if it's missing), but it is needed to guarantee a proper manual installation (i.e. when users download the ZIP from the Cinnamon Spices website).

Important notes:

At the root level:


To check if a Spice with UUID satisfies those requirements run the validate-spice script in this repo:

./validate-spice UUID


To facilitate easier testing of Actions locally, run the test-spice script in this repo:

Validate and then copy a Spice with UUID:

./test-spice UUID

Skip validation (not recommended) and then copy a Spice with UUID:

./test-spice -s UUID

Remove all locally installed development copies of Spices:

./test-spice -r

NOTE: Local copies of Spices for development/testing purposes will have a devtest- prefix attached for easier identification and cleanup.

Rights and Responsibility of the Author

The author is in charge of the development of the Spice.

Authors can modify their Spice under the following conditions:

Authors are able to accept or refuse changes from other people which modify the features or the look of their Spice.

Authors may choose to pass on development of their Action to someone else. In that case, the "author" field in UUID/info.json will be changed to the new developer and the "original_author" field will be added to give credit to the original developer.

If an author abandons their Action, the Linux Mint team will take over maintenance of the Action or pass it on to someone else. Several factors are used to determine if an Action is abandoned, including prolonged activity, failure to respond to requests, and serious breakages that have occurred due to changes in API, etc. If you plan to abandon an Action, please notify us, so we don't have to guess as to whether it is abandoned or not.

Pull Requests From Authors and Workflow

To modify a Spice, developers create a pull request (PR).

Members of the cinnamon-spices-developers Team review the pull request.

If the author of the pull request is the Spice author (the GitHub username matches the author field in UUID/info.json), the reviewer only has to perform the following checks:

If everything is fine, the PR is merged, the website is updated and users can see a Spice update in System Settings.

Pull Requests From Other People

In addition to the checks specified above, if the pull request comes from somebody other than the author, it will be held until the author reviews it or gives a thumbs-up, with the following exceptions:

If the changes represent a change in functionality, or in look and feel, or if their implementation could be questioned and/or discussed, the reviewer should leave the PR open and ask the author to review it.

If the author is happy with the PR, it can then be merged. If not, it can either be closed or updated to reflect any changes the author requested, at which point it will either be merged or the author may be asked to re-review the changes, depending on whether it is clear the changes fully meet the author's requirements.


Authors are entitled to remove their Spice.

The Cinnamon Team is also entitled to do so. Common reasons are lack of maintenance, critical bugs, or if the features are already provided, either by Cinnamon itself, or by another Spice which is more successful.


New Spices can be added by pull request.

The Cinnamon Team can accept or reject the addition and should give justification in the PR comments section.

Reporting Bugs and Creating Pull Requests

See the Guidelines for Contributing.


The script cinnamon-spices-makepot in this repo was written to help authors to create/update their translation template (.pot) file and to help translators to test their translations.

Creating or updating a translation template .pot:

./cinnamon-spices-makepot UUID

Test your translation's .po locally before uploading to Spices:

./cinnamon-spices-makepot UUID --install

Translations Status Tables

The Spices receive updates which sometimes contain new or updated strings that need to be translated. The translation status tables were created to give translators a better overview of the current state of translations and also to make it easier to track where new untranslated strings appear.

To ensure that these tables are always up-to-date, they are automatically regenerated whenever a new commit is pushed to the master branch.

Action Sample

There is a sample Action file with examples and options available.