linuxmuster-docs / main

The full documentation to
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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The project publishes the full documentation of

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Clone the repository "main" using git

   ~$ git clone  # if you have no ssh-key within github
   ~$ git clone # if you have a ssh-key within github

Install sphinx, e.g. using Ubuntu 22.04, do

   ~$  sudo apt install git python3-sphinx texlive texlive-latex-extra texlive-lang-german

Make a local copy of your documentation using

   ~$ cd main
   ~/main$ make clean
   ~/main$ make html

Later, if you work again on the repository, update it with

   ~/main$ git pull

Contribute to the documentation

Fork the repository "main" within the github-webinterface.

Update your fork

Instead of deleting and creating a new fork you can bring your own fork up-to-date the following way:

     ~/docs$ git push

Guidelines for documentation

The structure guide and style guide provide information on the design of our documentation.

See our


We use

to translate the documentation. Get started there!

Build documentation in English

First you have to install sphinx-intl and the transifex-client.

   $ pip install sphinx-intl
   $ pip install transifex-client

Make sure that sphinx-intl and transifex-client are in your PATH!

Then run to following commands (inside the document root):

   $ make gettext
   $ tx init
   $ sphinx-intl update -p build/locale -l en
   $ sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --pot-dir build/locale --transifex-project-name official-documentation
   $ tx pull -l en
   $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='en'" html

Read the

for more details.

Release History

License for documentation

GitHub License