linz / nzgoal_audit_script

Tool for tracking and managing LINZ's obligations under the NZGOAL framework
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NZGOAL Audit Script

Tool for tracking and managing LINZ's obligations under the NZGOAL framework.


LINZ is required to follow the NZGOAL Data Publishing Frame Work for data release and licensing.

We report our compliance with this to the Minister quarterly and we are occasionally audited on how we measure this.

For Data Managers

Fill in the google form, answering the relvant dataset questions. Use your LINZ email address and write the dataset names to be as close as possible to the LDS dataset names. Multiple datasets can be separated by a comma.

Make sure you hit 'save' at the end.

For LDS Administrators

Managing the Form

The form can be edited and responses viewed via the account's Google drive. The password for this account is stored in the Data Services password black book.

It is an auditable requirement that prior to publishing all new LDS datasets (see [http://geodeticwiki/LDS_New_Dataset_Process LDS New Dataset Process]) the NZGOAL Data Publishing Frame Work must be considered and acted on.

To record the datasets that have undergone the NZGOAL Frame Work Decision Tree process a Google Form has been set up to capture the NZGOAL Decision Tree's responses for each dataset (see above)

Performing the Audit

The audit is perform by running a Python script that reads the LDS RSS feed and collects all the LDS ids between user supplied dates (those dates that the user wants to audit to bound). The script then compares these LDS layer ids with the exported Google Form Sheet, first confirming the ids are in the Google Sheet (thus confirming the LDS dataset went through the NZGOAL Framework Decision process) and then groups each layer based on the NZGOAL Questionnaire forms outcomes.

To perform the audit the Google Form must be exported as a Tab-separated Values (.tsv) file.

Now that the Google sheet has been exported, pull the audit script from the git repo. This script reads the RSS feed, gets the Id for every LDS layer/table published between the user supplied dates and ensures that the IDs are in the Google Sheet (exported as .tsv). Once it has done this it will output the results in four categories.

In the terminal run the below. The script will prompt the user dates and path to .tsv

'''python /'''

The script takes three user inputs.

Saving the results

On the final run and report for every quarter, save the files below to Objective (https://linzone/id:fA268176) in case we get externally audited about this.

Need to save:

''''python / > Q4_results.txt'''