liqd / digitalstrategie
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Gemeinsam Digital: Berlin

How to run

Install dependencies

$ make install

Start a local server:

$ make watch

Start local server with elastic search:

Open two terminal windows.

  1. Start elastic search in the first one:

    $ sudo docker run -p -p -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e "logger.level=DEBUG" -e '' -e ''
  2. Run the server in the second one. But before you do that, update the search index.

    $ source venv/bin/activate  # to start the virtual env
    $ python update_index
    $ make watch

Create superuser:

$ source venv/bin/activate  # to start the virtual env
$ python createsuperuser

and fill in the following prompts

$ Username (leave blank to use '...'):
$ Email address:
$ Password:
$ Password (again):

or do:

$ make fixtures

This will add an user with name admin and PW password.

Login with credentials at http://localhost:8006/admin/