liquidbuddha / CosmicGeometryToolkit

visual effects toolkit for Autodesk Maya, enabling fast creation of animated toroidal evolutionary wavefronts, phi-spirals, phi-vortex, flower of life patters, vector equilibrium, geometric primitives, and more.
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Cosmic Geometry Toolkit by liquidbuddha.studios

Visual effects toolkit for Autodesk Maya, enabling fast creation of toroidal evolutionary wavefronts, phi-spirals, flower of life patters, jitterbugging vector equlibrium, geometric primatives, and more. The toolkit is available in two flavors, the full-kit and the minikit.

Examples, tutorials and other tips availabe at

Full Toolkit

Full-Kit includes Seven (7) tabs, each with expanded functionality related to the tab's theme. The function-tabs include:

Evolute Tab: []

Radiating Tab: []

Phi-Tab: []

FOL Tab (Flower of Life) : []

Vector Equilibrium [Jitterbug] Tab: [ ]

Geo Tab (Geometry):[…-relationships/]

Star Tab: []


miniKit: this version includes the following functionality

Install Instructions

1) Download and unzip the github archive.

2) Place the following three (3) files in your Maya scripts folder, depending on the folder location for your platform, shown below

3) Using a text editor, modify the following two lines from the lbsToolMenuFull.mel & miniKit.mel files, replacing "User_Account" with the path appropriate for your file system.

For Mac users, it's a simple name change. For Windows users, you may need to add absolute path including "C:/" (use forward slashes).

  menuItem -p $MyMenuObj -l "mini kit" -c ("source \"/Users/User_Account/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/lbsToolkit/toolkit_dropDown/miniKit.mel\"; ");
  menuItem -p $MyMenuObj -l "full kit" -c ("source \"/Users/User_Account/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts/lbsToolkit/lbs_Custom_Tools_UI_LOCAL.mel\"; ");

4) Finally, in the lbs_Custom_Tools_UI_LOCAL.mel file, make the same adjustments specific to your file system..

string $scriptLoc = "/Users/User_Account/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/scripts";

5) CREATE A NEW FOLDER in your Maya scripts folder (location shown above), and rename it...

Place the following seven (7) folders into the lbsTookit folder...

6) If there is already a userSetup.mel file in the scripts folder, copy the two lines from the lbsToolkit userSetup.mel and add to the userSetup.mel in the scripts folder.

7) If there is not a userSetup.mel file in the scripts folder, place the lbsTookit userSetup.mel into the scripts folder.

8) Relaunch Maya

If you are not using Maya2011, you will need to adjust line 208, in the "StarReplaceToolkit.mel" to reflect your version of Maya, and the path tho the Brushes.

source "/Applications/Autodesk/maya2011/";

More Info:

*Additional instructions for miniKit installations, and adding the toolkit to the Maya shelf, are included in the "Instructions" folder.

When the MEL code is loaded in Maya, you can also create many things from the command line. The evolute command is:

evoCurve (float $tRad, float $HR, int $NumLoops, float $CentRot, float $speed)

evoCurve (10, 1, 6, 15, 100); // a six loop horn torus evolute curve, with a radius of 10

Also, be sure to explore the Evolute_Tab's "Evolterate.mel" code, with which you can create multiple evolute curves, with itterative parameters.