lirantal / lockfile-lint

Lint an npm or yarn lockfile to analyze and detect security issues
Apache License 2.0
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hacktoberfest lint linter lockfile lockfiles nodejs npm yarn

lockfile linting 🌈

lint lockfiles for improved security and trust policies

main codecov license Security Responsible Disclosure npx lockfile-lint

# About Lockfiles are used as trusted whitelist of resources manifest to fetch packages from. However, keeping track of the changes introduced to lockfiles is not an easy task as they are designed to be consumed by machines 🤖. What happens when someone creates a Pull Request and sneaks a malicious resource package that replaces a real library? 😱 Exactly! Lint your lockfiles to ensure they adhere to pre-defined security policies and mitigate this vector of attack. **Why is this important?** read: [Why npm lockfiles can be a security blindspot for injecting malicious modules]( # Usage Easily invoked with npx on any project and lint it: ```bash npx lockfile-lint --path yarn.lock --allowed-hosts npm yarn --validate-https ``` To lint the npm-shrinkwrap.json file, add the `--type npm` flag: ```bash npx lockfile-lint --path npm-shrinkwrap.json --type npm --allowed-hosts npm yarn --validate-https ``` If you get no results, congratulations, the file passes! If lockfile-lint detects exceptions to the policies it will report them: ![carbon]( Refer to [lockfile-lint]( for more details on the CLI usage. You can use `lockfile-lint` as a standalone CLI tool, or as an API library using the following npm packages: - [lockfile-lint]( - a CLI tool that can be easily integrated as a pre-commit hook or part of a CI/build - [lockfile-lint-api]( - a library providing a programmatic API ## Security Disclaimer Please be advised of the following security disclaimers that are outside of the control of a lockfile linter: When you whitelist all hosts from npmjs, yarnpkg, github or other registries you implicitly convey that you trust all the packages originating from these sources. As such, a malicious package can exist in a registry source that you whitelist. Direct dependencies that you should add to a project should be well vetted before adding such as using a tool like [npq]( # References - [Secure Nodejs Guidelines section on Lockfile Attack]( - [pnpm's lockfile injection #4361]( - [yarn's lockfile injection #4136]( # FAQ ## What about pnpm support? pnpm doesn't maintain the tarball source of an npm package so unlike yarn, and npm, there's no way to inject an attacker-controlled malicious source file in `pnpm-lock.yaml`. Other vectors that were explored were to inject new packages into the lockfile (that aren't in `package.json`) yet pnpm isn't prone to these malicious attempts and would not install them. If you have witnessed a possible attack vector on pnpm's lockfile, please open an issue with reproducible steps. ## How is this different from `npm audit`? `npm audit` is a tool to audit your dependencies for known vulnerabilities. However, it doesn't address the issue of malicious packages being injected into your lockfile. `lockfile-lint` is a tool that is designed to address this issue. # Author **lockfile-lint** © [Liran Tal](, Released under the [Apache-2.0](./LICENSE) License.