lisarodenburg / course_test

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Reproducing code Lisa by Vivian #1

Open VivianWitjes opened 2 years ago

VivianWitjes commented 2 years ago

1. What project did you reproduce (include the link)?


2. Does the project have the following on it's GitHub repository?

3. What did you appreciate about the project's repository?

-> The repository includes an R project so no changes in directory have to be made manually. Also it is easy to find the scripts and data files.

4. Do you have any suggestions for improvement to the repository?

-> There are 2 R projects and it is not clear what the differences are and which should be used for what goal

5. Did you manage to run the project successfully?

6. Where did you have to give up reproducing this repository (if applicable)?

-> At loading the data. The error: "Error in sheets_fun(path) : function 'Rcpp_precious_remove' not provided by package 'Rcpp' " kept occuring. I am used to loading .csv instead of .xlsx

7. Did you have to go into the code?

8. If you looked at the code: what did you like?

-> Every step was clearly defined and well explained

9. If you looked at the code, what would be a single line of advice you want to pass on to it's author?

-> As I am used to work with .csv, it would be my advise to load data in this way, because my R always has issues with .xlsx files (but this is very peronal)

10. Any final comments to the author?

-> The script looks very understandable, unfortunately I couldn't load the data

11. Do you think the class will benefit from a live demo of the reproduction of this project? Why/what can we learn?

-> No, because it is a small issue at the start and therefore I could not reproduce, but this can be fixed easily I think

lisarodenburg commented 2 years ago

Thanx for the feedback!

VivianWitjes commented 2 years ago

Same to you, really useful feedback, thanks a lot! I will dive into functions and loops, if you have any specific suggestions or tips for my script, please let me know :)