lishaobingdong / mip-splatting-jittor

the implementation with jittor for mip-splatting
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Jittor version of "mip-splatting"

This repository contains the implementation with jittor for paper "Mip-Splatting: Alias-free 3D Gaussian Splatting". In our implementation, the speed of evaluation script is 10x faster than PyTorch version.




Compile the submodules

The simple-knn and diff_gaussian_rasterizater modules should be compiled with cmake and make:

cd gaussian-renderer/diff_gaussian_rasterizater
cmake .
make -j
cd ../../scene/simple-knn
cmake .
make -j

You will get and in simple-knn and diff_gaussian_rasterizater folders.


The repository uses Jittor_Perceptual-Similarity-Metric for evaluation. Please download the pretrained model following the origin repository and put the weight file in lpips_jittor folder.

Training and Evaluation

To run the optimizer, simply use:

# single-scale training and single-scale testing on NeRF-synthetic dataset
python scripts/ 

# multi-scale training and multi-scale testing on NeRF-synthetic dataset
python scripts/ 

# single-scale training and single-scale testing on the mip-nerf 360 dataset
python scripts/ 

# single-scale training and multi-scale testing on the mip-nerf 360 dataset
python scripts/ 
Command Line Arguments for #### --source_path / -s Path to the source directory containing a COLMAP or Synthetic NeRF data set. #### --model_path / -m Path where the trained model should be stored (```output/``` by default). #### --images / -i Alternative subdirectory for COLMAP images (```images``` by default). #### --eval Add this flag to use a MipNeRF360-style training/test split for evaluation. #### --resolution / -r Specifies resolution of the loaded images before training. If provided ```1, 2, 4``` or ```8```, uses original, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 resolution, respectively. For all other values, rescales the width to the given number while maintaining image aspect. **If not set and input image width exceeds 1.6K pixels, inputs are automatically rescaled to this target.** #### --data_device Specifies where to put the source image data, ```cuda``` by default, recommended to use ```cpu``` if training on large/high-resolution dataset, will reduce VRAM consumption, but slightly slow down training. Thanks to [HrsPythonix]( #### --white_background / -w Add this flag to use white background instead of black (default), e.g., for evaluation of NeRF Synthetic dataset. #### --sh_degree Order of spherical harmonics to be used (no larger than 3). ```3``` by default. #### --convert_SHs_python Flag to make pipeline compute forward and backward of SHs with PyTorch instead of ours. #### --convert_cov3D_python Flag to make pipeline compute forward and backward of the 3D covariance with PyTorch instead of ours. #### --debug Enables debug mode if you experience erros. If the rasterizer fails, a ```dump``` file is created that you may forward to us in an issue so we can take a look. #### --debug_from Debugging is **slow**. You may specify an iteration (starting from 0) after which the above debugging becomes active. #### --iterations Number of total iterations to train for, ```30_000``` by default. #### --ip IP to start GUI server on, `````` by default. #### --port Port to use for GUI server, ```6009``` by default. #### --test_iterations Space-separated iterations at which the training script computes L1 and PSNR over test set, ```7000 30000``` by default. #### --save_iterations Space-separated iterations at which the training script saves the Gaussian model, ```7000 30000 ``` by default. #### --checkpoint_iterations Space-separated iterations at which to store a checkpoint for continuing later, saved in the model directory. #### --start_checkpoint Path to a saved checkpoint to continue training from. #### --quiet Flag to omit any text written to standard out pipe. #### --feature_lr Spherical harmonics features learning rate, ```0.0025``` by default. #### --opacity_lr Opacity learning rate, ```0.05``` by default. #### --scaling_lr Scaling learning rate, ```0.005``` by default. #### --rotation_lr Rotation learning rate, ```0.001``` by default. #### --position_lr_max_steps Number of steps (from 0) where position learning rate goes from ```initial``` to ```final```. ```30_000``` by default. #### --position_lr_init Initial 3D position learning rate, ```0.00016``` by default. #### --position_lr_final Final 3D position learning rate, ```0.0000016``` by default. #### --position_lr_delay_mult Position learning rate multiplier (cf. Plenoxels), ```0.01``` by default. #### --densify_from_iter Iteration where densification starts, ```500``` by default. #### --densify_until_iter Iteration where densification stops, ```15_000``` by default. #### --densify_grad_threshold Limit that decides if points should be densified based on 2D position gradient, ```0.0002``` by default. #### --densification_interval How frequently to densify, ```100``` (every 100 iterations) by default. #### --opacity_reset_interval How frequently to reset opacity, ```3_000``` by default. #### --lambda_dssim Influence of SSIM on total loss from 0 to 1, ```0.2``` by default. #### --percent_dense Percentage of scene extent (0--1) a point must exceed to be forcibly densified, ```0.01``` by default.

Plan of Models

JGaussian will support more valuable 3DGS models in the future, if you are also interested in JGaussian and want to improve it, welcome to submit PR!
:heavy_check_mark:Supported :clock3:Doing :heavy_plus_sign:TODO