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Techonology demonstrator project for the Lisk SDK based on the CommonBike bikesharing platform
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This is a technology demonstrator for the Lisk (Alpha) SDK. In this repository you find the code for running a Lisk sidechain meant for running Lisk.Bike.

The code is based on @JesusTheHun's work in

At #liskjs2019 we presented the Proof of Concept of Lisk.Bike in Berlin.

Overview: the process flow

Preparing the blockchain

Preparing client

Preparing lock

Now the lock is connected to a server running

Onboarding lock to the Lisk.Bike blockchain

Now there's a connection between the lock and the pubkey, in the Lisk blockchain.

1. Create bike account (wallet)

cd tests
node create-account.test.js renter1
node create-account.test.js bike1

Based on account creation, you get an address (pubkey).

Administrator must fund his bike(s).

2. Register bike on the blockchain

First, check the balance of bike1:

node balance.js bike1

Only proceed if bike1 has a balance.

cd tests
node create-bike.test.js bike1

The bike is registered using its pubkey. This is the bikes' bikeId.

The server stores the IMEI & bikeId (= pubkey) in its database. This is how the server knows what bike transactions are related to this IMEI.

Administrators must run their own servers, storing IMEI, BikeID + BikePrivate key for their own bikes

Update GPS location on blockchain

cd tests
node update-bike-location.test.js bike1 lat lon
node update-bike-location.test.js bike1 51.9227954 4.4253305

Every x minutes the server receives the GPS location. // This has changed. Server must actively poll the blockchain every X minutes to check for GPS and lockstatus updates//

The server looks up the account of the lock in its database, based on IMEI. The locks privkey then signs the 'update-bike-location' transaction.

Update lock status on blockchain

If lock opens/closed, the lock sends a command to the server. The server looks up the account of the lock in its database, based on IMEI. The locks privkey then signs the 'update-lock-status' transaction.

Rent + return Bike

1. Get (max 10) bike locations

cd tests
node bike_locations.js

2. Rent bike command

cd tests
node rent-bike.test.js renter1 bike1

Sometimes you get the 'Invalid transaction timestamp. Timestamp is in the future' error.

If this is the case: Try the command again. Mostly the second time works.

3. Return bike

cd tests
node return-bike.test.js renter1 bike1

In Lisk.Bike version 0.1, rental is ended when user locks bike. Lock sends signal to lock-server, then lockserver runs return-bike and rental is ended.

//Check: does lock server also update lockstatus in blockchain?//

In future Lisk.Bike 2.0, it will be possible to reserve a bike, and also lock the bike without automatically ending rental. Besides an automatic lockstatus update in the blockchain when user closes the lock, user must also run returnbike/end-rental command.


allowing user to close and re-open lock without ending rental and starting new rental

User: manually close lock, do not end rental. User: Please open lock command while previous rental active needed.

live demo

Custom transaction demo code JesusTheHun

Blockchain app bartwr

This repo has been fully merged in current repo.