listeven989 /

open sourced email outbound
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You spent 2 weeks setting up campaigns on your favorite email outbound tool (instantly, replyio, lem something).

Your email outbounds are running great.

Then, you realize you need X feature.

Or Y feature is broken in your current email tool.

Html emails coming out horribly wrong? Opens tracking are horribly inaccurate. Link tracking is missing?


You email customer support. None of them are developers or do anything to fix your problem.

So now you need to look for an alternative email outbound to do/fix that X, Y, and Z feature/bug. Again...

You spend hours digging through sites and forums testing different ones out.

Hours later.

Ok, now you found one.

Time to move all your campaigns to a new tool. Figure out which people you already emailed or haven't. Re-setup up all your campaigns.

But wait.....

Hold up............

Wait a second..................

Here's a crazy idea.

Why not just code that feature for your existing email tool? Or fix that bug?

What if everything was open sourced so that if the team doesn't fix your issue you can do it yourself?

That's what this is for.

The completely open-sourced email outbound saas app. You own all the code and can change anything. You can host your own, or use our hosted version.

You can do email outbounds. You can do mailchimp like newsletters. And much, much more.

Best of all, if you need any features - just code it, open a PR, and viola - once its merged to main - it's live.

You can use it here: Or go ahead and host your own version.

Current Features

Upcoming features

See the Github Issues section for new features that are being added. Feel free to request more features there as well.

Common commands

# development / setup
pnpm i

# development / running local
pnpm --filter email-service cron:all
pnpm --filter web-app dev
pnpm --filter graphql-server start
pnpm --filter tracking-service start

# new database migrations
pnpm --filter email-service setup:db

# production / build
pnpm --filter graphql-server build
pnpm --filter graphql-server serve

pnpm --filter web-app build
pnpm --filter web-app start




