litchfield / django-liststyle

Style your django admin changelist rows with ease!
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
35 stars 27 forks source link

Style your django admin changelist rows with ease!

Update: now Python 3 compatible

Install using pip

$ pip install django-liststyle==0.2b

Add liststyle to your settings BEFORE django.contrib.admin


Add to your ModelAdmin classes

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, ListStyleAdminMixin):

    def get_row_css(self, obj, index):
            return 'red red%d' % index
        return ''

Note: If you have your own change_list_results.html; you'll need to incorporate the changes from the one here. An example of a custom template from the "grappelli" package is included in templates/admin/ dir.