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This is a monorepo for portal

Repository contents


If you intend to develop the backend tasks:

You might need to unblock the ports 8080 (web), 3000 (backend) and 27017 (mongo) in your firewall.

Vue frontend

Create file spa/.env.development.local and update as needed. If you want to access the site from other devices (e.g. mobile phone), you should point the endpoint URL properties to your real IP address (not localhost or

Default values are pointing to a staging endpoint so you can just start your development out of box without installing and running local backend.

$ cd spa
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Unless you plan to do backend implementation, congratulation, you are good to do the frontend development! Skip the rest of this file.


Import the data:

cd backend/doc/database
# install indexes and constrains
mongo bud mongo_setup.js
cd ../..
# generate demo database (backend server must not be running!)
node test/generate_sample_data.js

If you need to recreate the database, clear Mongo with:

mongo bud --eval db.dropDatabase()

and repeat the import procedure.

NodeJS backend

Copy backend/.env.template to backend/.env and update as needed. You may need to set your local IP address in CORS_ORIGINS property.

$ cd backend
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

To log into backend API, use the users defined in backend/test/prepareUsers.js and the password BadPassword.