litespeedtech / ols1clk

One click installation of Open LiteSpeed
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ols1clk is a one-click installation script for OpenLiteSpeed. Using this script, you can quickly and easily install OpenLiteSpeed with it’s default settings. We also provide a -W parameter that will install WordPress at the same time but it must still be configured through the wp-config.php page. By default, a MariaDB database will be set up using this script, you can also specify other DB if needed. If you already have a WordPress installation running on another server, it can be imported into OpenLiteSpeed with no hassle using the --wordpresspath parameter. To completely install WordPress with your OpenLiteSpeed installation, skipping the need for the wp-config.php page, use the --wordpressplus flag. This can be used with --wpuser, --wppassword, --wplang, and --sitetitle to configure each of the settings normally set by wp-config.php.


Our One-Click script comes with several options. Here are two commmon usages.

Install OpenLiteSpeed, LSPHP, MariaDB, WordPress, and LiteSpeed Cache plugin:

bash <( curl -k ) -w

Install OpenLiteSpeed and LSPHP only:

bash <( curl -k )

See below for additional options and usage examples.


./ [option] [option] …
Opt Options Description
--adminuser [USERNAME] To set the WebAdmin username for OpenLiteSpeed instead of admin.
-A --adminpassword [PASSWORD] To set the WebAdmin password for OpenLiteSpeed instead of using a random one.
--adminport [PORTNUMBER] To set the WebAdmin console port number instead of 7080.
-E --email [EMAIL] To set the administrator email.
--lsphp [VERSION] To set the LSPHP version, such as 82. We currently support versions '71 72 73 74 80 81 82 83'.
--mariadbver [VERSION] To set MariaDB version, such as 10.9. We currently support versions '10.2 10.3 ...10.11'.
-W --wordpress To install WordPress. You will still need to complete the WordPress setup by browser
--wordpressplus [SITEDOMAIN] To install, set up, and configure WordPress, also LSCache will be enabled
--wordpresspath [WP_PATH] To specify a location for the new WordPress installation or use for an existing WordPress.
-R --dbrootpassword [PASSWORD] To set the database root password instead of using a random one.
--dbname [DATABASENAME] To set the database name to be used by WordPress.
--dbuser [DBUSERNAME] To set the WordPress username in the database.
--dbpassword [PASSWORD] To set the WordPress table password in MySQL instead of using a random one.
--prefix [PREFIXNAME] To set the WordPress table prefix.
--listenport [PORT] To set the HTTP server listener port, default is 80.
--ssllistenport [PORT] To set the HTTPS server listener port, default is 443.
--wpuser [WP_USER] To set the WordPress admin user for WordPress dashboard login. Default value is wpuser.
--wppassword [PASSWORD] To set the WordPress admin user password for WordPress dashboard login.
--wplang [WP_LANGUAGE] To set the WordPress language. Default value is "en_US" for English.
--sitetitle [WP_TITLE] To set the WordPress site title. Default value is mySite.
--pure-mariadb To install OpenLiteSpeed and MariaDB.
--pure-mysql To install OpenLiteSpeed and MySQL.
--pure-percona To install OpenLiteSpeed and Percona.
--with-mysql To install OpenLiteSpeed/App with MySQL.
--with-percona To install OpenLiteSpeed/App with Percona.
--owasp-enable To enable mod_security with OWASP rules. If OLS is installed, then enable the owasp directly
--owasp-disable To disable mod_security with OWASP rules.
--proxy-r To set a proxy with rewrite type.
--proxy-c To set a proxy with config type.
-U --uninstall To uninstall OpenLiteSpeed and remove installation directory.
-P --purgeall To uninstall OpenLiteSpeed, remove installation directory, and purge all data in MySQL.
-Q --quiet To use quiet mode, won't prompt to input anything.
-V --version To display the script version information.
-v --verbose To display more messages during the installation.
--update To update ols1clk from github.
-H --help To display help messages.


Examples Description
./ To install OpenLiteSpeed with a random WebAdmin password.
./ --lsphp 81 To install OpenLiteSpeed with lsphp80.
./ -A 123456 -e To install OpenLiteSpeed with WebAdmin password "123456" and email
./ -R 123456 -W To install OpenLiteSpeed with WordPress and MySQL root password "123456".
./ --wordpressplus To install OpenLiteSpeed with a fully configured WordPress installation at "".


How do I create additional Virtual Hosts from the console?

Run the following command to create an additional virtual host in a few seconds. The example document root will be /var/www/ Be sure to substitute your own domain.

/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d

How do I create additional Virtual Hosts with WordPress from the console?

The first time you create an additional Virtual Host, the script will need to get your database root password from /usr/local/lsws/password. If you have custom value, please update /usr/local/lsws/password or echo the password to the specified location: /root/.db_password.

echo 'root_mysql_pass="DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /root/.db_password

Then run the following command to create an additional virtual host with the WordPress.

/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d -w

How to I create additional Virtual Hosts and LE certificates from the console?

Please be sure that your domain is already pointing to the server.

Then run the following command to create an additional virtual host with a Let's Encrypt certificate applied. Be sure to substitute your own domain and your email address.

/bin/bash <( curl -sk ) -d -le -f

Note: The -f option is to force https redirection

Support & Feedback

If you still have a question after reading these instructions, you have a few options: