litteratum / csobpg

Python library for communicating with ČSOB payment gateway API
MIT License
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CSOB client

Python library for communicating with ČSOB ( payment gateway API. The API is described here:

The library currently implements ČSOB API v.1.9.


pip install csobpg

Basic usage

API client initialization

The APIClient provides the interface to communicate with the API.

from csobpg.v19 import APIClient

client = APIClient("merchantId", "merch_private.key", "", base_url=..., http_client=...)

# Use the client to interact with the API:

HTTP client

The library uses the httprest library for making HTTP requests. By default it will use httprest.http.urllib_client.UrllibHTTPClient.

But you may use any other httprest's HTTP client, or even write your own client.

Base methods

The library supports all base API methods. For example, that's how to initialize a payment:

from csobpg.v19.models import cart

response = client.init_payment(
    cart=cart.Cart([cart.CartItem("Apples", 1, 100)]),
    merchant_data=b"Hello, World!",

OneClick methods

Here are the steps to perform a OneClick payment.

Step 1 - make a regular payment

First, make a regular payment using the "payment/init":

response = client.payment_init(...)

# finalize payment...

Preserve the response.pay_id, it will be used to refer to the OneClick template.

Step 2 - initialize OneClick payment

Now, having the template ID, initialize the OneClick payment. First, check that the template ID exists (optional):

response = client.oneclick_echo(template_id)
assert response.success

Then, initiate the payment:

response = client.oneclick_init_payment(template_id=..., ...)

Step 3 - process OneClick payment

Finally, process the payment:

response = client.oneclick_process(pay_id, fingerprint=...)

Exceptions handling

from csobpg.v19.errors import APIError, APIClientError
from httprest.http import HTTPRequestError

    response = client.<operation>(...)
except APIError as exc:
    # handle API error
    # it is raised on any API error. You may also catch the specific API error
except APIClientError as exc:
    # handle API client error
    # it is raised when API returns unexpected response (e.g. invalid JSON, invalid signature)
except HTTPRequestError as exc:
    # handle HTTP error
    # it is raised on any HTTP error
except ValueError as exc:
    # handle value error
    # it is raised on any library's misuse (e.g. passing invalid parameters)
    # it always means developer's mistake

RSA keys management

The simples way to pass RSA keys is to pass their file paths:

from csobpg.v19 import APIClient

client = APIClient(..., "merch_private.key", "")

The library will read the private key from the file when needed. The public key will be cached into the RAM.

If you want to change it, use special classes:

from csobpg.v19 import APIClient
from csobpg.v19.key import FileRSAKey, CachedRSAKey

client = APIClient(..., FileRSAKey("merch_private.key"), FileRSAKey(""))

You may also override the base RSAKey class to define your own key access strategy:

from csobpg.v19.key import RSAKey

class MyRSAKey(RSAKey):

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return "my key"