This repository contains analysis and ploting code in our paper about constructing brain expression regulation architecture in African American, European, and East Asian populations:
Research on brain expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) has illuminated the genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia (SCZ). Yet, most of these studies have been centered on European populations, leading to a constrained understanding of population diversities and disease risks. To address this gap, we examined genotype and RNA-seq data from African Americans (AA, n=158), Europeans (EUR, n=408), and East Asians (EAS, n=217). The two key questions we sought to answer are: 1) what drives the brain eQTL differences across populations? 2) what do we gain by studying brain eQTLs in diverse populations?
git clone
Rscript pi1.r P.txt
: P.txt is a text file with nominal P value per line without header.
bash sample_size index.txt PEER_factor FDR output_dir raw_counts.txt
: the output_file include three type eQTL results under different mode in QTLtools(nominal/permutation/conditional)
The summary statistics of eQTLs are available on the CNBrainQTL (Chinese Brain xQTL) database at or can be downloaded from the eQTL_results