liuwei1206 / LEBERT

Code for the ACL2021 paper "Lexicon Enhanced Chinese Sequence Labelling Using BERT Adapter"
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Mac使用intel的cpu跑代码遇到的问题 #18

Closed WzyPaopao closed 3 years ago

WzyPaopao commented 3 years ago

您好,十分感谢您开源该代码。 我在使用MacBook pro 16(16 inch, 2019, intel core-i7) 运行您的代码时,使用 NER/weibo 的 checkpoint 和数据,会出现报错,如下:



WzyPaopao commented 3 years ago

补充:我使用的是cpu版本的 pytorch 和 tensorflow

liuwei1206 commented 3 years ago


Have you modified the Transformer as I describe in README?

From the error info, it seems that there doesn't exist the checkpoint file. So you can check the path of the file.