liuwei1206 / LEBERT

Code for the ACL2021 paper "Lexicon Enhanced Chinese Sequence Labelling Using BERT Adapter"
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Lexicon Enhanced Chinese Sequence Labeling Using BERT Adapter

Code and checkpoints for the ACL2021 paper "Lexicon Enhanced Chinese Sequence Labelling Using BERT Adapter"

Arxiv link of the paper:

If any questions, please contact the email:


Input Format

CoNLL format (prefer BIOES tag scheme), with each character its label for one line. Sentences are splited with a null line.

美   B-LOC  
国   E-LOC  
的   O  
华   B-PER  
莱   I-PER  
士   E-PER  

我   O  
跟   O  
他   O  
谈   O  
笑   O  
风   O  
生   O   

Chinese BERT,Chinese Word Embedding, and Checkpoints

Chinese BERT

Chinese BERT:

Chinese word embedding:

Word Embedding:

The original download link does not work. We update it as:

Word Embedding:

More info refers to: Tencent AI Lab Word Embedding

Checkpoints and Shells

Directory Structure of data


If you want to load my checkpoints, you need to make some revisions to your transformers.

My model is trained in distribution mode so it can not be directly loaded by single-GPU mode. You can follow the below steps to revise the transformers before load my checkpoints.


    title = "Lexicon Enhanced {C}hinese Sequence Labeling Using {BERT} Adapter",
    author = "Liu, Wei  and
      Fu, Xiyan  and
      Zhang, Yue  and
      Xiao, Wenming",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.acl-long.454",
    pages = "5847--5858"