This is the PyTorch version of AnimeGANv3 model based on the original DTGAN model.
As AnimeGANv3 adopts the new DTGAN model and there is currently no corresponding open-source PyTorch solution, this project migrates some contents based on the original author's open-source TensorFlow version code.
Migrated the DTGAN main model framework to PyTorch version.
Migrated the VGG19 model for training to PyTorch, and exported the VGG19 model parameters from the original authors to a .pth file for PyTorch to call.
moved the image preprocessing operations to
Migrated the loss function for training to PyTorch, and completed the related testing.
/dataset is used to store the image files required for training.
/model_state is used to store the results of model parameters after different epochs during training.
/tools is used to store the loss function and image enhancement methods for training.
│ ├───ChinaPhoto
│ │ ├───smooth
│ │ ├───smooth_noise
│ │ └───style
│ ├───seg_train_5-0.8-50
│ ├───shinkai
│ │ ├───smooth
│ │ ├───smooth_noise
│ │ └───style
│ ├───test
│ │ ├───HR_photo
│ │ ├───label_map
│ │ ├───real
│ │ ├───test_photo
│ │ └───test_photo256
│ ├───train_photo
│ └───val
│ └───ChinaPhoto
| vgg19.pth
| ·······
| ·······
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Scale the training images to 256x256 or 512x512, put them into the /style folder in /dataset, and run the following command line to preprocess the training data
python --dataset ChinaPhoto --img_size 256
Model training can be started using the following command line
python --dataset ChinaPhoto --init_G_epoch 10 --epoch 50 --start_epoch 1 --batch_size 8 --device cpu
Recommend using P100 or higher GPU for training, but you can also try using DirectML on a non-NVIDIA device.
import onnxruntime as ort
model = ort.InferenceSession("./generate.onnx", providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
out_img =, {"input": image_input})
Please refer to the relevant permission statement of the original author.
This repo is made freely available to academic and non-academic entities for non-commercial purposes such as academic research, teaching, scientific publications.
Permission is granted to use the AnimeGANv3 given that you agree to my license terms.
Regarding the request for commercial use, please contact us via email to help you obtain the authorization letter.
Thanks to Asher Chan, the original author, for the feedback on the PyTorch version of AnimeGANv3.