livekit / server-sdk-go

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room.LocalParticipant.UnpublishTrack(sid) does not completely unpublish a simulcast track #393

Open neilyoung opened 6 months ago

neilyoung commented 6 months ago

Details here. There is a significant behavioural difference, if just one track is unpublished or a simulcast track. On the other hand I haven't found any other unpublish function for simulcast

neilyoung commented 6 months ago

Hack which "fixes" it here:

neilyoung commented 5 months ago

Some comments? Solution is available in Slack

davidzhao commented 5 months ago

this is on our backlog. However, if you'd like to submit a PR for it, we'd welcome it.

neilyoung commented 5 months ago

Neither my GO nor my deeper understanding of the purpose of the failing code allows me to do that :)

I just know, that this patch works for both, but I guess, it's. not good enough:

    var err error
    //if localTrack, ok := pub.track.(webrtc.TrackLocal); ok {
        for _, sender := range p.engine.publisher.pc.GetSenders() {
            //if sender.Track() == localTrack {
                err = p.engine.publisher.pc.RemoveTrack(sender)

Also - VSCode's debugging support is not sufficient to have a full understanding for what happens here, I'm sorry

patstar123 commented 3 months ago
  1. The root cause of the issue is that when "LocalParticipant.PublishSimulcastTrack.NewLocalTrackPublication" is called, the main track is not passed, resulting in "UnpublishTrack" not successfully invoking "p.engine.publisher.pc.RemoveTrack". pub := NewLocalTrackPublication(KindFromRTPType(mainTrack.Kind()), nil, *opts, p.engine.client)

  2. The minimal change solution is as follows:

        // [origin code in v1.1.2]
    var err error
    if localTrack, ok := pub.track.(webrtc.TrackLocal); ok {
        for _, sender := range p.engine.publisher.pc.GetSenders() {
            if sender.Track() == localTrack {
                err = p.engine.publisher.pc.RemoveTrack(sender)
        // [fixed code in v1.1.2]
    var localTracks []webrtc.TrackLocal
    if localTrack, ok := pub.track.(webrtc.TrackLocal); ok {
        localTracks = append(localTracks, localTrack)
    if pub.simulcastTracks != nil {
        for _, track := range pub.simulcastTracks {
            localTracks = append(localTracks, track)
    var err error
    if localTracks != nil && len(localTracks) > 0 {
        for _, localTrack := range localTracks {
            for _, sender := range p.engine.publisher.pc.GetSenders() {
                if sender.Track() == localTrack {
                    e := p.engine.publisher.pc.RemoveTrack(sender)
                    if e != nil {
                        err = e
  3. I found that when publishing with simulcast tracks, the trackPublicationBase.track was not set. This not only affects the UnpublishTrack function but may also impact the following logic. However, I have not deeply understood it, so I have not made any changes.

    func (r *Room) sendSyncState() {
    var publishedTracks []*livekit.TrackPublishedResponse
    for _, t := range r.LocalParticipant.Tracks() {
        if t.Track() != nil {
            publishedTracks = append(publishedTracks, &livekit.TrackPublishedResponse{
                Cid:   t.Track().ID(),
                Track: t.TrackInfo(),