livekit / server-sdk-go

Client and server SDK for Golang
Apache License 2.0
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go livekit
The LiveKit icon, the name of the repository and some sample code in the background.

LiveKit Go SDK

Use this SDK to interact with LiveKit server APIs and create access tokens from your Go backend.


Version 2 of the SDK contains a small set of breaking changes. Read the migration guide for a detailed overview of what has changed.


go get

Note: since v1.0 release, this package requires Go 1.18+ in order to build.

Token creation

import (

    lksdk ""

func getJoinToken(apiKey, apiSecret, room, identity string) (string, error) {
    at := auth.NewAccessToken(apiKey, apiSecret)
    grant := &auth.VideoGrant{
        RoomJoin: true,
        Room:     room,

    return at.ToJWT()

RoomService API

RoomService gives you complete control over rooms and participants within them. It includes selective track subscriptions as well as moderation capabilities.

import (
    lksdk ""
    livekit ""

func main() {
    hostURL := "host-url"  // ex:
    apiKey := "api-key"
    apiSecret := "api-secret"

    roomName := "myroom"
    identity := "participantIdentity"

    roomClient := lksdk.NewRoomServiceClient(hostURL, apiKey, apiSecret)

    // create a new room
    room, _ := roomClient.CreateRoom(context.Background(), &livekit.CreateRoomRequest{
        Name: roomName,

    // list rooms
    res, _ := roomClient.ListRooms(context.Background(), &livekit.ListRoomsRequest{})

    // terminate a room and cause participants to leave
    roomClient.DeleteRoom(context.Background(), &livekit.DeleteRoomRequest{
        Room: roomId,

    // list participants in a room
    res, _ := roomClient.ListParticipants(context.Background(), &livekit.ListParticipantsRequest{
        Room: roomName,

    // disconnect a participant from room
    roomClient.RemoveParticipant(context.Background(), &livekit.RoomParticipantIdentity{
        Room:     roomName,
        Identity: identity,

    // mute/unmute participant's tracks
    roomClient.MutePublishedTrack(context.Background(), &livekit.MuteRoomTrackRequest{
        Room:     roomName,
        Identity: identity,
        TrackSid: "track_sid",
        Muted:    true,

Interacting as a participant

The Real-time SDK gives you access programmatic access as a client enabling you to publish and record audio/video/data to the room.

import (
  lksdk ""

func main() {
  hostURL := "host-url"  // ex:
  apiKey := "api-key"
  apiSecret := "api-secret"
  roomName := "myroom"
  identity := "botuser"
  roomCB := &lksdk.RoomCallback{
    ParticipantCallback: lksdk.ParticipantCallback{
      OnTrackSubscribed: trackSubscribed,
  room, err := lksdk.ConnectToRoom(hostURL, lksdk.ConnectInfo{
    APIKey:              apiKey,
    APISecret:           apiSecret,
    RoomName:            roomName,
    ParticipantIdentity: identity,
  }, roomCB)
  if err != nil {


func trackSubscribed(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, publication *lksdk.RemoteTrackPublication, rp *lksdk.RemoteParticipant) {


For more advanced usage, see the examples directory.

Publishing tracks to Room

With the Go SDK, you can publish existing files encoded in H.264, VP8, and Opus to the room.

First, you will need to encode media into the right format.

VP8 / Opus

ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> \
  -c:v libvpx -keyint_min 120 -qmax 50 -maxrate 2M -b:v 1M <output.ivf> \
  -c:a libopus -page_duration 20000 -vn <output.ogg>

The above encodes VP8 at average 1Mbps / max 2Mbps with a minimum keyframe interval of 120.

H.264 / Opus

ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> \
  -c:v libx264 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -b:v 2M -profile baseline -pix_fmt yuv420p \
    -x264-params keyint=120 -max_delay 0 -bf 0 <output.h264> \
  -c:a libopus -page_duration 20000 -vn <output.ogg>

The above encodes H264 with CBS of 2Mbps with a minimum keyframe interval of 120.

Publish from file

file := "video.ivf"
videoWidth := 1920
videoHeight := 1080
track, err := lksdk.NewLocalFileTrack(file,
    // control FPS to ensure synchronization
    lksdk.ReaderTrackWithFrameDuration(33 * time.Millisecond),
    lksdk.ReaderTrackWithOnWriteComplete(func() { fmt.Println("track finished") }),
if err != nil {
    return err
if _, err = room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, &lksdk.TrackPublicationOptions{
    Name: file,
    VideoWidth: videoWidth,
    VideoHeight: videoHeight,
}); err != nil {
    return err

Publish from io.ReadCloser implementation

// - `in` implements io.ReadCloser, such as buffer or file
// - `mime` has to be one of webrtc.MimeType...
track, err := lksdk.NewLocalReaderTrack(in, mime,
    lksdk.ReaderTrackWithFrameDuration(33 * time.Millisecond),
    lksdk.ReaderTrackWithOnWriteComplete(func() { fmt.Println("track finished") }),
if err != nil {
    return err
if _, err = room.LocalParticipant.PublishTrack(track, &lksdk.TrackPublicationOptions{}); err != nil {
    return err

For a full working example, refer to filesender. This example sends all audio/video files in the current directory.

Publish from other sources

In order to publish from non-file sources, you will have to implement your own SampleProvider, that could provide frames of data with a NextSample method.

The SDK takes care of sending the samples to the room.

Using a pacer

With video publishing, keyframes can be an order of magnitude larger than delta frames. This size difference can cause a significant increase in bitrate when a keyframe is transmitted, leading to a surge in packet flow. Such spikes might result in packet loss at the forwarding layer. To maintain a consistent packet flow, you can enable the use of a pacer.

import ""

// Control total output bitrate to 10Mbps with 1s max latency
pf := pacer.NewPacerFactory(

room, err := lksdk.ConnectToRoom(hostURL, lksdk.ConnectInfo{
    APIKey:              apiKey,
    APISecret:           apiSecret,
    RoomName:            roomName,
    ParticipantIdentity: identity,
}, &lksdk.RoomCallback{
    ParticipantCallback: lksdk.ParticipantCallback{
        OnTrackSubscribed: onTrackSubscribed,
}, lksdk.WithPacer(pf))

Receiving tracks from Room

With the Go SDK, you can accept media from the room.

For a full working example, refer to filesaver. This example saves the audio/video in the LiveKit room to the local disk.

Receiving webhooks

The Go SDK helps you to verify and decode webhook callbacks to ensure their authenticity. See webhooks guide for configuration.

import (

var authProvider = auth.NewSimpleKeyProvider(
    apiKey, apiSecret,

func ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  // event is a livekit.WebhookEvent{} object
    event, err := webhook.ReceiveWebhookEvent(r, authProvider)
    if err != nil {
        // could not validate, handle error

    // consume WebhookEvent

LiveKit Ecosystem
Realtime SDKsReact Components · Browser · Swift Components · iOS/macOS/visionOS · Android · Flutter · React Native · Rust · Node.js · Python · Unity (web) · Unity (beta)
Server APIsNode.js · Golang · Ruby · Java/Kotlin · Python · Rust · PHP (community)
Agents FrameworksPython · Playground
ServicesLiveKit server · Egress · Ingress · SIP
ResourcesDocs · Example apps · Cloud · Self-hosting · CLI