liveontologies / docker-pinpointing-experiments

Docker image for pinpointing experiments.
Apache License 2.0
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Docker image for pinpointing experiments. It runs a simple HTTP server using which the experiments can be started.

Quick start:

(no need to clone the repository: a pre-compiled image will be downloaded from

   docker run -d -p 3030:3030 --name pinpointing-container liveontologies/pinpointing

Open a web browser with the address http://localhost:3030/ or


How to build

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Invoke the following command in the root directory of the repository:

    mvn clean install docker:build

    This command will create a docker image with name 'liveontologies/pinpointing', from which docker containers can be created and started.

How to run

  1. Invoke the following command:

    mvn docker:start

    This creates and runs the container with the experiments called pinpointing-container, which is accessible on the port 3030.

    Alternatively, one can create and start the container using the docker command shown in Quick Start. There one can also change the port value 3030 or the name pinpointing-container to different values.

    If access to the files generated by the experiments is needed, the following option can be added to the command shown in Quick Start before the last argument:

    --mount type=bind,source=/absolute/path/on/host/machine,target=/home/pinpointing/workspace

    The directory under /absolute/path/on/host/machine must exist. The experiments will save all the generated files into it and then they can be accessed from the host machine. According to the Docker documentation this is a better solution than leaving the files in the container. Potential problem is that this is a huge amount of small files, so if they are not removed after the experiments, there may be space problems on the host machine. If this option is not used, generated files are removed when the container is removed.

  2. Point your browser to the address of the host machine with the configured port, e.g., http://localhost:3030/.

    If the server is not available, or there are other problems, one can inspect the container output log using

    docker logs pinpointing-container
  3. Use the web interface to configure and run the experiments.

    While the container is running, one can connect to it from the shell, which is useful for inspecting the files in case of problems:

    docker exec -it pinpointing-container bash
    1. To stop the web server run:
    mvn docker:stop

    If the contaner was started using the docker command, use:

    docker stop pinpointing-container

    Replace the name accordingly. To see all running use:

    docker ps
    1. To remove the container in case it is no longer needed run:
    mvn docker:remove

    or using the docker command:

    docker rm -v pinpointing-container

    Removing the container may take asome time. Please be patient. To see all available containers use:

    docker ps -a

See also