livepeer / ai-worker

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[!WARNING] This is a prototype repository undergoing rapid changes. It's not intended for production use yet.

This repository hosts the AI worker and runner for processing inference requests on the Livepeer AI subnet.


The AI worker repository includes:


The AI runner's code is in the runner directory. For more details, see the AI runner README.


The AI worker's code is in the worker directory. It includes:


The AI worker and runner are designed to work with the ai-video branch of go-livepeer. You can run both independently for testing. To build the AI worker locally and run examples, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the README instructions in the runner directory to download model checkpoints and build the runner image.
  2. Generate Go bindings for the runner OpenAPI spec with make codegen.
  3. Run any examples in the cmd/examples directory, e.g., go run cmd/examples/text-to-image/main.go <RUNS> <PROMPT>.

Development documentation

For more on developing and debugging the AI runner, see the development documentation.