liyunze-coding / Chat-Task-Tic-Overlay-Infinity

Infinite scroll variation of the original Task Board widget
MIT License
24 stars 12 forks source link

Chat-Task-Tic Widget (Infinity scroll version)

Chat-Task-Tic Overlay Preview



Moderators only

For aliases, see here

Why you should use this

Note: It's only available on Twitch for now

For Twitch Task Overlay users (my old task list)

If you are using my old task list, follow the steps below to migrate to this new version:




// or




const channel = "YOUR_TWITCH_CHANNEL";
const username = "YOUR_BOT_ACCOUNT_HERE";
const oauth = "OAUTH_TOKEN_HERE"; // may or may not include the 'oauth:' part


  1. Get auth token from
  2. Obtain the token
  3. Put it in auth.js, like so:
const oauth = "oauth:lkajsdlkfjaklsdfjlaksdjf"; // may or may not include the 'oauth:' part
  1. Remove the "oauth:"
const oauth = "lkajsdlkfjaklsdfjlaksdjf"; // may or may not include the 'oauth:' part
  1. Fill in your channel name:
const channel = "RythonDev";
const username = "YOUR_BOT_ACCOUNT_HERE";
const oauth = "lkajsdlkfjaklsdfjlaksdjf"; // may or may not include the 'oauth:' part
  1. Fill in the bot username, or your channel's username, depending on which account you authorized in
const channel = "RythonDev";
const username = "RythonDev";
const oauth = "lkajsdlkfjaklsdfjlaksdjf"; // may or may not include the 'oauth:' part
  1. Setup Browser Source in OBS studio or other streaming software with the following settings:

Customization settings

Edit configs.js to edit the style of the task list

Chat-Task-Tic Overlay Preview



true: show the done tasks

false: hide (and remove) the done tasks


true: show the task number (completed tasks / total tasks)

false: hide the task number


true: cross the tasks when they are marked as done

false: don't cross the tasks when they are marked as done


true: show the checkbox

false: hide the checkbox, use bullet points instead


headerFontFamily - font family for the header (supports all fonts from Google Fonts )

bodyFontFamily - font family for the body (supports all fonts from Google Fonts)


taskListScrollBehaviour - scroll behaviour for the task list (supports all css transition-timing-function), linear and ease-in-out recommended

pixelsPerSecond - speed of the scroll in pixels per second (number)

animationDelay - delay of the animation in seconds (number)

task list

taskListWidth - width of the task list (px)

taskListHeight - height of the task list (px)

taskListBackgroundColor - background color of the task list (hex only)

taskListBackgroundOpacity - background opacity of the task list (0: transparent, 1: opaque, 0.5: half transparent)

taskListBorderColor - border color of the task list (hex, name)

taskListBorderWidth - border width of the task list (px)

taskListBorderRadius - border radius of the task list (px)


headerHeight - height of the header (px)

headerBackgroundColor - background color of the header (hex only)

headerBackgroundOpacity - background opacity of the header (0: transparent, 1: opaque, 0.5: half transparent)

headerBorderColor - border color of the header (hex, name)

headerBorderWidth - border width of the header (px)

headerBorderRadius - border radius of the header (px)

headerFontSize - font size of the header (px)

headerFontColor - font color of the header (hex, name)

headerPadding - padding of the header (px)

tasksNumberFontSize - font size of the tasks number (px)


bodyBackgroundColor - background color of the body (hex only)

bodyBackgroundOpacity - background opacity of the body (0: transparent, 1: opaque, 0.5: half transparent)

bodyFontColor - font color of the body (hex, name)

bodyBorderColor - border color of the body (hex, name)

bodyBorderWidth - border width of the body (px)

bodyBorderRadius - border radius of the body (px)

bodyVerticalPadding - vertical padding of the body (px)

bodyHorizontalPadding - horizontal padding of the body (px)

task (individual tasks)

numberOfLines - number of lines for the task (number)

usernameColor - color of the username (hex, name) (\"\" for twitch username color)

taskBackgroundColor - background color of the task (hex only)

taskBackgroundOpacity - background opacity of the task (0: transparent, 1: opaque, 0.5: half transparent)

taskFontSize - font size of the task (px)

taskFontColor - font color of the task (hex, name)

taskBorderColor - border color of the task (hex, name)

taskBorderWidth - border width of the task (px)

taskBorderRadius - border radius of the task (px)

taskMarginBottom - margin bottom of the task (px)

taskPadding - padding of the task (px)


checkboxSize - size of the checkbox (px)

checkBoxBackgroundColor - background color of the checkbox (hex only)

checkBoxBackgroundOpacity - background opacity of the checkbox (0: transparent, 1: opaque, 0.5: half transparent)

checkBoxBorderColor - border color of the checkbox (hex, name)

checkBoxBorderWidth - border width of the checkbox (px)

checkBoxBorderRadius - border radius of the checkbox (px)

checkBoxMarginTop - margin top of the checkbox (px)

checkBoxMarginLeft - margin left of the checkbox (px)

checkBoxMarginRight - margin right of the checkbox (px)

tickCharacter - character for the tick (string)

tickSize - font size of the tick (px)

tickColor - color of the tick (hex, name)

tickTranslateY - translate y of the tick (px) (going upwards)

bullet point

bulletPointCharacter - character for the bullet point (string)

bulletPointSize - font size of the bullet point (px)

bulletPointColor - color of the bullet point (hex, name)

bulletPointMarginTop - margin top of the bullet point (px)

bulletPointMarginLeft - margin left of the bullet point (px)

bulletPointMarginRight - margin right of the bullet point (px)


colonMarginLeft - margin left of the colon (px)

colonMarginRight - margin right of the colon (px)


add task commands:

delete task commands:

edit task commands:

finish task commands:

check commands: (check last task of yourself or user)

Note: You can also use it like this: !check @user or !check user

help commands:

admin delete commands: (delete a task from a user) (mods only)

admin clear done commands: (clear all done tasks from list) (mods only)

admin clear all commands: (clear all tasks from list) (mods only)


Author: @RythonDev


Special thanks to:

Shoutout to the following streamers for using my task list: (if you use my task list, please let me know and I'll add you to this list)