This is a simple Rest API for Google Syntaxnet. It parse the string with syntaxnet and return a json for you
The server uses Flask-restful / uwsgi and nginx, so it should be okay for multi query at the same time ( To be tested)
The Version you're checking is using the latest DRAGNN mode, which is way more faster than the original one!
docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /test_folder:/models -d ljm625/syntaxnet-rest-api:dragnn
Look here for detail:
Download the conll2017 from here:
Then extract the file and put the language folder you're using into a folder. (we use /test_folder here)
execute the command like this:
docker run -p 9000:9000 -v /test_folder:/models -d ljm625/syntaxnet-rest-api:dragnn
then GET to http://localhost:9000/api/v1/use/*the_folder_name*
for example, I am using English package, and the folder we extracted is called English, so the path is like /test_folder/English, and the url should be http://localhost:9000/api/v1/use/English
The command above will load the model and let you able to use the module
then POST to http://localhost:9000/api/v1/query
The Body of the POST is a json consisting following info:
"strings": ["Google is awesome!","Syntaxnet is Cool"],
"tree": true/false
The TREE option determines whether the output format is like a tree or just some lists, please check the demo below
and you should expect a response instantly.
"input": "Google is awesome!",
"output": [
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "NNP",
"head": 2,
"word": "Google",
"break_level": 0,
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "nsubj"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "VBZ",
"head": 2,
"word": "is",
"Mood": "Ind",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "AUX++VBZ",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "cop",
"Person": "3",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "JJ",
"head": -1,
"word": "awesome",
"Degree": "Pos",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "ADJ++JJ",
"label": "root"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": ".",
"head": 2,
"word": "!",
"break_level": 0,
"fPOS": "PUNCT++.",
"label": "punct"
"input": "Syntaxnet is Cool",
"output": [
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "NN",
"head": 2,
"word": "Syntaxnet",
"break_level": 0,
"fPOS": "NOUN++NN",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "nsubj"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "VBZ",
"head": 2,
"word": "is",
"Mood": "Ind",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "AUX++VBZ",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "cop",
"Person": "3",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "JJ",
"head": -1,
"word": "Cool",
"Degree": "Pos",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "ADJ++JJ",
"label": "root"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "JJ",
"word": "awesome",
"Degree": "Pos",
"break_level": 1,
"contains": [
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "NNP",
"word": "Google",
"break_level": 0,
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "nsubj"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "VBZ",
"word": "is",
"Mood": "Ind",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "AUX++VBZ",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "cop",
"Person": "3",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": ".",
"word": "!",
"break_level": 0,
"fPOS": "PUNCT++.",
"label": "punct"
"fPOS": "ADJ++JJ",
"label": "root"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "JJ",
"word": "Cool",
"Degree": "Pos",
"break_level": 1,
"contains": [
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "NN",
"word": "Syntaxnet",
"break_level": 0,
"fPOS": "NOUN++NN",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "nsubj"
"category": "",
"pos_tag": "VBZ",
"word": "is",
"Mood": "Ind",
"break_level": 1,
"fPOS": "AUX++VBZ",
"Number": "Sing",
"label": "cop",
"Person": "3",
"Tense": "Pres",
"VerbForm": "Fin"
"fPOS": "ADJ++JJ",
"label": "root"
Feel free to try different languages using the prebuilt models :D
Special Thanks to malahovKS for testing and submitting issues, really appreciated!
This repo uses uses tiangolo's uwsgi+nginx+supervisord dockerfile. Special Thanks to him
2017/03/28: Rewrite most of the part of the code, using DRAGNN which is faster than before, also some minor bug fixes.
2017/02/28: Using another method for fetching the info from syntaxnet engine, so you can get lots of info using custom model than before :D
2017/02/26: Fix the issue with the UTF8 encoding, so non-lantern language are supported
2016/11/18: Update the logic for multi sentence query so it should faster now
2016/11/17: Updated the syntaxnet repo with the latest code, with working parser_universal and muti-language support.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the discussion part ;)