ljnsn / cz-conventional-gitmoji

A commitizen plugin that combines gitmoji and conventional commits.
14 stars 2 forks source link
commitizen conventional-commits git gitmoji semantic-versioning semver


A commitizen plugin that combines gitmoji and conventional commits.


With pip or any other package manager of your choice, the usual way:

pip install cz-conventional-gitmoji


This package can be used as a normal commitizen plugin, either by specifying the name on the command line

cz --name cz_gitmoji commit

or by setting it in your pyproject.toml

name = "cz_gitmoji"

This will make commitizen use the commit message parsing rules defined by this plugin, which are 100% compatible with conventional commits. As such, the gitmojis are completely optional and all commands will continue to validate commit messages in conventional format just fine. This is useful if you're transitioning an existing repo to cz-conventional-gitmoji or you work in a team in which some colleagues don't like gitmojis.


Apart from the conventional-gitmoji rules, this package provides the gitmojify command which is also available as a pre-commit hook. The command reads a commit message either from cli or a commit message file and prepends the correct gitmoji based on the type. If the message already has a gitmoji, it is returned as is.

$ gitmojify -m "init: initial version"
🎉 init: initial version

To use it as a pre-commit hook, install this packages as well as commitizen and put the following into your .pre-commit-config.yaml

  - repo: https://github.com/ljnsn/cz-conventional-gitmoji
    rev: 0.2.4
      - id: conventional-gitmoji

Make sure to install the relevant pre-commit hooks with

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Commit with a message in conventional format that contains a valid type mapped by conventional gitmoji and the gitmoji will automagically be added.

