ljunkie / plexWatch

Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
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plexewebwatch #109

Closed marciobooi closed 8 years ago

marciobooi commented 8 years ago

can please someone write one installation totorial for mac for dummies, or create a batch install that make everything automatic? like a batch for windows or a script for mac that install everything in the right place and save the user (noob like me) all the hard work and the probability that will not work. i see the images and i liked a lot but i cant make work thanks for everyting

Arcanemagus commented 8 years ago

@marciobooi are you talking about https://github.com/ecleese/plexWatchWeb?

If so I would recommend looking into https://github.com/drzoidberg33/plexpy as it is better suited to the task (and removes the dependency on plexWatch as well).