Notify and Log 'Now Playing' and 'Watched' content from a Plex Media Server + 'Recently Added' (...and more)
windows and linux codebase has been fully merged
Supported Push Notifications
What it does
sudo cpan Net::Twitter::Lite
sudo cpan Net::OAuth
sudo cpan Growl::GNTP
sudo cpan Net::SMTPS
To enable: edit
$server_log = '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log'; ## used to log IP address of user (alpha)
$log_client_ip = 1; ## requires $server_log to be available too.
$debug_logging = 1; ## logs to $data_dir/debug.log ( only really helps debug IP logging for now )
# Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get
sudo apt-get install libfile-readbackwards-perl
# Rhel/Centos: yum
sudo yum install perl\(File::ReadBackwards\)
# Others: cpan
sudo cpan File::ReadBackwards
Download and to /opt/plexWatch/
sudo wget -P /opt/plexWatch/
sudo wget -P /opt/plexWatch/
sudo mkdir -p /opt/plexWatch/
sudo curl -o /opt/plexWatch/
sudo curl -o /opt/plexWatch/
sudo chmod 777 /opt/plexWatch && sudo chmod 755 /opt/plexWatch/
sudo cp /opt/plexWatch/ /opt/plexWatch/
sudo nano /opt/plexWatch/
$server = 'localhost'; ## IP of PMS - or localhost
$port = 32400; ## port of PMS
$notify_started = 1; ## notify when a stream is started (first play)
$notify_stopped = 1; ## notify when a stream is stopped
$notify = {...
* to enable a provider, i.e. file, prowl, pushover
set 'enabled' => 1, under selected provider
* Prowl : 'apikey' required
* Pushover : 'token' and 'user' required
* Growl : 'script' required :: GrowlNotify from (GNTP replaces this)
* twitter : 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret', 'access_token', 'access_token_secret' required
* boxcar : 'email' required
* pushover : 'apikey' and 'device' required
* GNTP : 'server', 'port' required. 'password' optional. You must allow network notifications on the Growl Server
Install Perl requirements
apt-get install libwww-perl libxml-simple-perl libtime-duration-perl libtime-modules-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl perl-doc libjson-perl
yum -y install perl\(LWP::UserAgent\) perl\(XML::Simple\) perl\(Pod::Usage\) perl\(JSON\)
perl\(DBI\) perl\(Time::Duration\) perl\(Time::ParseDate\) perl\(DBD::SQLite\)
run the script manually to verify it works: /opt/plexWatch/
setup crontab or launchagent to run the script every minute
* * * * * YOUR_USERNAME /opt/plexWatch/
[optional] If you want Recently Added notifiations - setup another crontab or launchagent entry
*/15 * * * * YOUR_USERNAME /opt/plexWatch/ --recently_added=movie,tv
If you want to use twitter, you will need to install two more Perl modules
requires Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1
sudo cpan Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1
# OR force install it
sudo cpan -f Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1
requires Net::OAuth >= 0.28
sudo cpan Net::OAuth
# OR force install it
sudo cpan -f Net::OAuth
If you want to use GNTP (growl), you will need to install a module
requires Growl::GNTP
sudo cpan Growl::GNTP
Follow the install guide above, and refer to step #5 and #6
Sending test notifications:
/opt/plexWatch/ --test_notify=start
/opt/plexWatch/ --test_notify=stop
/opt/plexWatch/ --watched
======================================== Watched ========================================
Date Range: Anytime through Now
User: jimbo
Wed Jun 26 15:56:09 2013: jimbo watched: South Park - A Nightmare on FaceTime [duration: 22 minutes, and 15 seconds]
Wed Jun 26 20:18:34 2013: jimbo watched: The Following - Whips and Regret [duration: 46 minutes, and 45 seconds]
Wed Jun 26 20:55:02 2013: jimbo watched: The Following - The Curse [duration: 46 minutes, and 15 seconds]
User: carrie
Wed Jun 24 08:55:02 2013: carrie watched: The Following - The Curse [duration: 46 minutes, and 25 seconds]
Wed Jun 26 20:19:48 2013: carrie watched: Dumb and Dumber [1994] [PG-13] [duration: 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 10 seconds]
/opt/plexWatch/ --watched --start=today --start=tomorrow
======================================== Watched ========================================
Date Range: Fri Jun 28 00:00:00 2013 through Sat Jun 29 00:00:00 2013
User: jimbo
Fri Jun 28 09:18:22 2013: jimbo watched: Married ... with Children - Mr. Empty Pants [duration: 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 20 seconds]
/opt/plexWatch/ --watched --start="2 days ago" --stop="1 day ago"
======================================== Watched ========================================
Date Range: Fri Jun 26 00:00:00 2013 through Thu Jun 27 00:00:00 2013
User: Jimbo
Wed Jun 26 15:56:09 2013: rarflix watched: South Park - A Nightmare on FaceTime [duration: 22 minutes, and 15 seconds]
Wed Jun 26 20:18:34 2013: rarflix watched: The Following - Whips and Regret [duration: 46 minutes, and 45 seconds]
Wed Jun 26 20:55:02 2013: rarflix watched: The Following - The Curse [duration: 46 minutes, and 15 seconds]
User: Carrie
Wed Jun 26 20:19:48 2013: Carrie watched: Dumb and Dumber [1994] [PG-13] [duration: 1 hour, 7 minutes, and 10 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 27 minutes and 54 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:41:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 4 minutes and 59 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 24 minutes and 17 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 17:48:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 1 second]
Sun Jun 30 19:45:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour and 24 minutes]
Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour, 56 minutes, and 53 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 18 seconds]
/opt/plexWatch/ --stats
Date Range: Anytime through Now
======================================== Stats ========================================
user: Stans's total duration 3 hours and 56 seconds
Thu Jul 11 2013: Stan 16 minutes and 58 seconds
Fri Jul 12 2013: Stan 1 hour, 41 minutes, and 59 seconds
Sat Jul 13 2013: Stan 1 hour, 1 minute, and 59 seconds
user: Franks's total duration 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 2 seconds
Thu Jul 4 2013: Frank 57 minutes and 1 second
Sun Jul 14 2013: Frank 1 hour, 46 minutes, and 1 second
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2'
--start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time
--stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2
--start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time
--stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time
--nogrouping will show same title multiple times if user has watched/resumed title on the same day
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2'
--format_options : list all available formats for notifications and cli output
--format_start=".." : modify start notification :: --format_start='{user} watching {title} on {platform}'
--format_stop=".." : modify stop notification :: --format_stop='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}'
--format_watched=".." : modify cli output for --watched :: --format_watched='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}'
--format_watching=".." : modify cli output for --watching :: --format_watching='{user} watching {title} on {platform}'
* All Movie Sections : ```./ --recently_added=movie```
* All Movie / TV Sections : ```./ --recently_added=movie,show```
* Specific Section(s) : ```./ --recently_added --id=# --id=#```
./plexWatch.exe --recently_added
* Available Sections:
ID Title Type Path
8 Concerts movie /NFS/Videos/Music
6 Movies movie /NFS/Videos/Film
17 Holiday Movies movie /NFS/Videos/Others/Holiday_Movies
5 TV Shows show /NFS/Videos/TV
* Usage:
All Movie Sections : ./ --recently_added=movie
All Movie/TV Sections : ./ --recently_added=movie,show
Specific Section(s) : ./ --recently_added --id=# --id=# options
$alert_format = {
'start' => '{user} watching {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] on {platform} [{progress} in]',
'stop' => '{user} watched {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] on {platform} for {duration} [{percent_complete}%]',
'watched' => '{user} watched {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{length}] [{rating}] on {platform} for {duration} [{percent_complete}%]',
'watching' => '{user} watching {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] [{length}] on {platform} [{time_left} left]'
/opt/plexWatch/ --format_options
Format Options for alerts
--start='{user} watching {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] on {platform} [{progress} in]'
--stop='{user} watched {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] on {platform} for {duration} [{percent_complete}%]'
--watched='{user} watched {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{length}] [{rating}] on {platform} for {duration} [{percent_complete}%]'
--watching='{user} watching {title} [{streamtype}] [{year}] [{rating}] [{length}] on {platform} [{time_left} left]'
{percent_complete} Percent of video watched -- user could have only watched 5 minutes, but skipped to end = 100%
{state} playing, paused or buffering [ or stopped ] (useful on --watching)
{rating} rating of video - TV-MA, R, PG-13, etc
{summary} summary or video
{streamtype} T or D - for Transcoded or Direct
{user} user
{time_left} progress of video [only available/correct on --watching and stop events]
{platform} client platform
{transcoded} 1 or 0 - if transcoded
{orig_user} orig_user
{progress} progress of video [only available/correct on --watching and stop events]
{duration} duration watched
{length} length of video
{stop_time} stop_time
{title} title
{start_start} start_time
{year} year of video
$watched_show_completed = 1; always show completed show/movie as it's own line (default 1)
$watched_grouping_maxhr = 2; do not group shows together if start/restart is > X hours (default is 3 hours)
By default this script will automatically backup the SQLite db to: $data_dir/db_backups/ ( normally: /opt/plexWatch/db_backups/ )
It will keep 2 x Daily , 4 x Weekly and 4 x Monthly backups. You can modify the backup policy by adding the config lines below to your existing
$backup_opts = {
'daily' => {
'enabled' => 1,
'keep' => 2,
'monthly' => {
'enabled' => 1,
'keep' => 4,
'weekly' => {
'enabled' => 1,
'keep' => 4,
/opt/plexWatch/ --help
PLEXWATCH(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation PLEXWATCH(1)
plexWatch.p - Notify and Log ’Now Playing’ and ’Watched’ content from a Plex Media Server + ’Recently Added
SYNOPSIS [options]
--notify Notify any content watched and or stopped [this is default with NO options given]
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2'
--recently_added=show,movie notify when new movies or shows are added to the plex media server (required: push_recentlyadded => 1)
* you may specify only one or both on the same line separated by a comma. [--recently_added=show OR --recently_added=movie OR --recently_added=show,movie]
--stats show total time watched / per day breakout included
--start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time
--stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2'
--watched print watched content
--start=... limit watched status output to content started AFTER/ON said date/time
--stop=... limit watched status output to content started BEFORE/ON said date/time
--nogrouping will show same title multiple times if user has watched/resumed title on the same day
--user=... limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user=... exclude users - you may specify multiple on the same line. '--notify --exclude_user=user1 --exclude_user=user2'
--watching print content being watched
--backup Force a daily backup of the database.
* automatic backups are done daily,weekly,monthly - refer to backups section below
--format_options : list all available formats for notifications and cli output
--format_start=".." : modify start notification :: --format_start='{user} watching {title} on {platform}'
--format_stop=".." : modify stop nottification :: --format_stop='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}'
--format_watched=".." : modify cli output for --watched :: --format_watched='{user} watched {title} on {platform} for {duration}'
--format_watching=".." : modify cli output for --watching :: --format_watching='{user} watching {title} on {platform}'
* Debug Options
--test_notify=start [start,stop,recent] - send a test notifcation for a start,stop or recently added event.
--show_xml show xml result from api query
--version what version is this?
--debug hit and miss - not very useful
--notify This will send you a notification through prowl, pushover, boxcar, pushbullet, growl and/or twitter. It will also log the event to a file and to the database. This is the default if no
options are given.
--watched Print a list of watched content from all users.
--start * only works with --watched
limit watched status output to content started AFTER said date/time
Valid options: dates, times and even fuzzy human times. Make sure you quote an values with spaces.
-start="2013-06-29 8:00pm"
-start="today at 8:30pm"
-start="last week"
-start=... give it a try and see what you can use :)
--stop * only works with --watched
limit watched status output to content started BEFORE said date/time
Valid options: dates, times and even fuzzy human times. Make sure you quote an values with spaces.
-stop="2013-06-29 8:00pm"
-stop="today at 8:30pm"
-stop="last week"
-stop=... give it a try and see what you can use :)
--nogrouping * only works with --watched
will show same title multiple times if user has watched/resumed title on the same day
with --nogrouping
Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 27 minutes and 54 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:41:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 4 minutes and 59 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 24 minutes and 17 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 17:48:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 1 second]
Sun Jun 30 19:45:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour and 24 minutes]
without --nogrouping [default]
Sun Jun 30 15:12:01 2013: exampleUser watched: Your Highness [2011] [R] [duration: 1 hour, 56 minutes, and 53 seconds]
Sun Jun 30 15:46:02 2013: exampleUser watched: Star Trek [2009] [PG-13] [duration: 2 hours, 8 minutes, and 18 seconds]
---user * works with --watched and --watching
limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--exclude_user limit output to a specific user. Must be exact, case-insensitive
--watching Print a list of content currently being watched
--stats show total watched time and show total watched time per day
notify when new movies or shows are added to the plex media server (required: push_recentlyadded => 1)
--recently_added=movie :: for movies
--recently_added=show :: for tv show/episodes
--show_xml Print the XML result from query to the PMS server in regards to what is being watched. Could be useful for troubleshooting..
--backup By default this script will automatically backup the SQlite db to: $data_dir/db_backups/ ( normally: /opt/plexWatch/db_backups/ )
* you can force a Daily backup with --backup
It will keep 2 x Daily , 4 x Weekly and 4 x Monthly backups. You can modify the backup policy by adding the config lines below to your existin
$backup_opts = {
’daily’ => {
’enabled’ => 1,
’keep’ => 2,
’monthly’ => {
’enabled’ => 1,
’keep’ => 4,
’weekly’ => {
’enabled’ => 1,
’keep’ => 4,
--debug This can be used. I have not fully set everything for debugging.. so it’s not very useful
This program will Notify and Log ’Now Playing’ content from a Plex Media Server
nothing to see here.
perl v5.10.1 2013-08-13 PLEXWATCH(1)
Make sure you have enabled a provider in the
./ --test_notify=start
./ --test_notify=stop
./ --test_notify=recent
Can't verify SSL peers without knowning which Certificate Authorities to trust
This problem can be fixed by either setting the PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE
envirionment variable or by installing the Mozilla::CA module.
sudo cpan
install LWP::UserAgent Mozilla::CA
remove homebrew and macports. Force reinstalled modules, highly recommend installing Mozilla::CA prior to LWP::UserAgent
Create a LaunchAgent plist file, called com.rcork.plexwatch.plist. This should be saved in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
vim ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.rcork.plexwatch.plist
Paste this text into the file, changing the /path/to/your/plexWatch variable, as appropriate. If you followed the directions above, this should be /opt/plexWatch/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
After you edit and save the file, you need to load the LaunchAgent:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.rcork.plexwatch.plist
: User contribution - Thanks rcork!
Here are the steps to get it running on OSX. This was done with a clean install of OSX.
Configure CPAN
sudo cpan install Time::Duration
sudo cpan install Time::ParseDate
sudo cpan install Net::Twitter::Lite::WithAPIv1_1
sudo cpan install Net::OAuth
sudo cpan install Mozilla::CA
sudo cpan install JSON
Now create data directory and set permission. Replace [user] with your username
sudo mkdir /opt
sudo mkdir /opt/plexWatch
sudo chown [user]:staff /opt/plexWatch
Idea, thanks to I initially had a really horrible script used to parse the log files... http://IP:PORT/status/sessions is much more useful. This was whipped up in an hour or two.. I am sure it could use some more work.