ljunkie / plexWatch

Notify and Log watched content on a Plex Media Server
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SSL issue with 15.10 #113

Closed broyuken closed 8 years ago

broyuken commented 8 years ago

I just updated to 15.10 and my plexwatch stopped working with prowl. When I try to run my cronjob manually, I get the following.

user@hostname:/opt/plexWatch$ /opt/plexWatch/./plexWatch.pl --recently_added=movie,tv PROWL - Notification not posted: The%20Ellen%20DeGeneres%20Show%3A%20Seth%20Rogen%2C%20Justin%20Bieber%2C%20Leon%20Bridges%20s13e47%20%5BTV%2DG%5D%20%5B2015%5D%2041min%20%5B720p%206ch%5D%20%5B3%3A02PM%2012%20Nov%2015%5D SSL_verify_mode must be a number and not a string at /usr/share/perl5/IO/Socket/SSL.pm line 2130.

broyuken commented 8 years ago

Can we please get an update?

Apocrathia commented 8 years ago

I just submitted pull request 115 to fix this. Was having the same issue. https://github.com/ljunkie/plexWatch/pull/115

ljunkie commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the PR @Apocrathia. I have pushed it to the dev branch for now, and plan to get it in master soon

ljunkie commented 8 years ago

it's in master now, thanks again @Apocrathia